Hi everyone! I had shared this in the r/OCD subreddit but received few responses, I'm hoping to hear from some more people in this community I apologize if this is a lot to read.
I have been seeing a therapist for a few months now, and recently she had mentioned that I show signs of OCD and recommended we begin ERP in the near future (she did not diagnose me). I did not go into therapy seeking any diagnosis, but if there were to be one I would have always said GAD. My therapist is wonderful, I trust her and I believe that she is not just throwing around terms. With that said, I know very very little about OCD. I have been researching the past few days about key differences between GAD and OCD, because I have always been labeled as a "worry wart" "hypochondriac" and "high strung" by my family and friends, but I am not sure if I fall into one, both, or neither diagnosis.
My therapist suggested I begin taking note of certain repetative thoughts or negative thoughts in general, which I have been doing. It has made me feel a bit anxious and pretty sad, because I am realizing that there are many things that I am very afraid of. I always assumed I grew out of being a "worry wart" but it turns out that my fears are just less unrealistic compared to when I was a child. I have been feeling confused now, which my therapist said would be expected because I have had these feelings for as long as I can remember (ages 4 to now, age 23).
I am not seeking a diagnosis on this forum, just looking to hear if others have related to how I feel.
I will share just a few 'worries,' and maybe someone can relate?
- Fearing that I let my cats out of the apartment, or let them get into the dishwasher, or did something to cause the house to burn down. Fearing that I will accidentally kill them by being reckless. I do check to make sure the cats are safe.
- I get scared that my partner will pass away in a car accident if i do not go with them, but then I get nervous that by being unable to stop visualizing this scenario, I will manifest it into reality.
- I get nervous that I look stupid when I walk or talk, so I try to fix my posture, movement, etc. I get nervous that people around me are noticing how much effort I am putting into how I appear.
- I do repeat phrases or words in my head, mainly the word 'erase' and the phrase 'It is alright.'
- Lastly, I do pick at the skin around my nails, and I used to pull my hair out if there were split ends or little knots in an individual strand. I do not pull my hair out as often anymore, but I do spend a good portion of each day biting or picking at the skin around my nails. I have done this for over a decade.
I have never had violent or taboo intrusive thoughts, and even if I ever do receive an OCD diagnosis, these symptoms are not debilitating for me. I was just wondering if anyone else relates to this, what your journey/experience with OCD and ERP are, or GAD.
Thanks so much!