so, i was I diagnosed with OCD in June 2024 after a mental breakdown. I started to get intrusive thoughts about causing harm, obsession about food, and more. I was taken to a dr who performed badly TMS on me which caused me to have another breakdown. Then, I went to another psychiatrist who upper my med, and added antipsychotics. Which, I refused. I left because we could not have a middle ground, and finally I found someone who listened to me, yet doesn’t want to close the doors for antipsychotics. The TMS that was performed one me got me very unbalanced. I was more anxious, moody, etc… it was performed in one week for two hours, and i learned that it should last 6/8 weeks, 20 minutes, so yeaaah.
i did my research because i am not going to allow any doctor to mess with my brain and body. Like the previous one. I was too vulnerable, but not anymore.
I’ve mentioned to my dr that I am in no way going to take antipsychotics because of the effects it has on people, I had SEEN movement disorders in real life, and believe me I’d be devastated if that happened to me as I’m an artist. Healthy people getting that? Not to mention the problems with glucose and lipids, and metabolisms? How can my two professional say that antipsychotics are a very noble medication?
while my psych is giving me options, and putting antipsychotics as a last resort, i feel pressured. Because, it feels like I need to get better or else I’m going to be put on on antipsychotics and that’s not the point. Therapy should make me feel safe. My recovery should be about getting better, so i can be at ease.
ocd is forever, it has treatment, but it won’t go away. That’s why I told my psych that I’m doing CBT with my therapist and soon ERP. Yet, i feel like if I do a misstep then Im going to be put on that medication. I don’t want to feel that way.
my symptoms began with horrible intrusive thoughts which caused me to have constant anxiety and panic attacks, and self harm. I did compulsions, but learned and educated myself about OCD, so i told my therapist that I want CBT and ERP. I’m not letting my intrusive thoughts get to me because i know recognize them that it is OCD, so I’ve decided to take them no mind. That has helped me to stop self harming and the panic attacks have stopped. The psychiatrist has seen and acknowledges the progress, so she added supplements like vitD3K2, omega 3, l theanine, and vitb12 which has helped me a LOT. My hemoglobin has lifted to 11.6. (Before it was in 9.9) my vit d was on the floor!
yet they keep telling me that with antipsychotics I would feel so much better. No, I will get better with CBT and ERP, grounding techniques, and perhaps explore other options that does not involve antipsychotics. They respect that, but they still have the door open for that med and i fee like i have a hyper responsibility. I want my recovery to be at ease, learn about myself, be mindful, focus on my work which im now doing, and fix my sleep hygiene. I don’t want to have this nagging fear or getting better or else I will be put on antipsychotics.
can somebody help? Or give me some insight?