I've been struggling with this since June and I've had all the symptoms and related to every story but now I'm scared. I've always imagined being with men and have always wanted a boyfriend but now i feel nothing. I don't even have anxiety anymore but I still think about all these thoughts and they feel real. Like every female I look at now it's like i find them attractive but I don't want to. I don't have anxiety anymore please help. I'm scared that what if it's not OCD. I haven't been diagnosed yet but I relate to everything and none of the stories give me relief.
Is this still HOCD? can someone answer pl... - My OCD Community
Is this still HOCD? can someone answer please?

Hi ,,,,for a kick off well done on ditching the anxiety,,,the answer is probably in the sentence (what if it's not ). I think you have come to the point of ####. It .it does not matter anymore I am a good person ,who is plaged with intrusive repitive thoughts . Just do what makes you easy with yourself and brings happiness and hope in your life ,,,,ocd is great at telling you to think the thought that brings you fear or anxiety .that's what that thing does ,,,so accept the unwanted thought will come and try to pass no heed to it ,,,get on with your life you are the boss .even if it tells you your not ,it's a sneaky little shit
While I haven’t been in your exact situation (I don’t have HOCD, just OCD)
I understand what you’re going through. Up until age 18 I liked guys/only imagined being with men until I became attracted to a woman and my world flipped upside down. I was attracted to females suddenly, and it freaked me out until I realized I was bisexual. It took me years to fully accept myself, but I have had great, loving relationships with both men and women and I know this forum is about mental illness, but I think that a person can be a proud member of the LGBTQIA community (like me) and also have OCD.
When you said that every female you look at you find attractive, but you “don’t want to” took me straight back to that moment when I was 18 and first discovering my true sexually. It was scary to be “outside the norm” and that I might be “different” from my friends and family but trust me, things will get better. It starts by listening to your deepest truths.
I might be wrong in interpreting your question/post. I might be stepping over boundaries, so correct me if I’m intruding or not understanding clearly. This is the first time I’ve ever posted to a public forum before. I usually keep quiet on the internet, but your question popped up and it struck me as and important question to answer.
I guess my short answer is this: Just be yourself by trusting yourself. Listen to your gut and it will always steer you in the right direction, even if that direction is uncomfortable. It’s possible to be happy and successful and have OCD (or HOCD). It’s possible to have a full and rewarding life. You are going to be okay. You are not alone.