HI I'm heidi. Im from Ecuador and this is my first time here. And I'm here because I need help. I have ocd since I was 13. I'm 24 now and it's getting so worse. I can take it anymore. I've attempted with my life because I'm so depressed . OCD has .....it has ruined everything. Every thing I dream or wish to have. It's he'll. I've been praying to God wishing he come to save me or ... I don't know anymore. I wanna die it's so painful. I need help. Someone here.
Hi im heidi : HI I'm heidi. Im from Ecuador... - My OCD Community
Hi im heidi

Welcome to the forum Catslover99! You have found a safe place to express your concerns with OCD since all of us suffer with it in one way or another. Are you currently getting any kind of help from someone? There is a lot of books and info online available that has helped me with my OCD and I have suffered with it for more than 30 years. You can feel better- the more you learn about OCD and chat with others who understand how you feel. Don’t ever give up- you can live a good life in spite of it.
Hi thank U sorry if I spell things wrong, English is not my first language. I was doing CBT therapy but it's not working and every day is worse and worse. The Ocd has ruined everything.......in my life and I feel like.... I'm gonna die I need to rest. My parents don't have a lot of money. I was thinking about getting a job. I know how to talk in English and Spanish. I can work with that. Do you know if there's something for me? I can't have another therapy because we don't have enough money and I'm struggling with depresion. Help me . Is there a group or something ? It's a lot of pain.
Hello Heidi I understand you, I have had OCD since I was about 12 years old and sometimes it is very challenging in social life and spiritually, you just have to know that you are strong, most people could not stand it that much, you are in your 20s now and you are older than me, so I don't want to learn how you deal with it. Sister Heidi, I need your experiences and the advice she will give you: This discomfort will always be in the back of your mind, you have to accept it, but it is up to you to reduce its volume, the more you listen to it, the louder it will be so when you have an attack, even if it hurts you, don't pay attention to it, put it in the background and do the things you love, like listening to music.
If you’ve been giving in to OCD for a long time, what’s the easiest thing to do? To keep engaging in compulsions or ruminations, or stop doing it? Paradoxically, even if engaging in compulsions/ruminations has long-term negative consequences, it’s easier to keep doing it because you may think that the longer you do it, the greater the chances to find the mental comfort you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you decide to change course, you may feel discouraged at the thought of having wasted all that time in the past engaging in compulsions/ruminations. So, the intention to turn your back on OCD and start a new life OCD-free may give rise to a discomfort that you may haven’t felt otherwise if you had kept on the same track. To get rid of that discomfort, you need to forgive yourself and start afresh, which is not always easy.
Once you decide to overcome OCD, exposure and response prevention (EPR) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) are the best therapies to overcome OCD. In the first one, you get used to the discomfort caused by exposure to triggering circumstances, and refrain from using compulsions to get rid of it. With the passing of time, the discomfort fades slowly away. In the second one, beside getting used to a reasonable degree of uncertainty, you decide what’s really important to you, and focus your attention and energy on it. Both therapies take time and efforts, but, in the end, the results are worth it.
hi heidi thanks for sharing ur problem, Dont worry we have solution for all the problems we are the boss to control our mind and everything is in our hand no body can take our pain 1. OCD v/s our mind fighting here lot of negitivive thoughts are keep on coming in our mind we should not thinhs positibely it was a like movies its not real , u must stop repetedly washing hands or foinv thingd repeatedly but u must be think positivelyday by day u can see lot chsnges
ERP is the frontline treatment for OCD because it has the best evidence for effectiveness. It is often supplemented with Acceptance Commitment Therapy and/or Mindfulness. Talk therapy and other forms of CBT aren’t effective for OCD and can even be harmful. Many people find medication helps in combination with ERP. Certain medications can be prescribed for OCD but at a higher dose. 1. The IOCDF is one of the best resources out there. You can find them at iocdf.org. 2. ocdaction.org.uk is another one. 3. ocdchallenge.com is a program designed by OCD specialists that is free.
There are videos on YouTube from the IODC Foundation that may be able to help you. There is help and hope!!! You don’t have to feel this way. I would also recommend books by Shannon Shy, he had OCD very badly and talks about how he recovered. He also does videos on YouTube.
Hello Catslover99, I agree that therapy is very important. I know it's expensive but once you learn what to do, you can do it on your own. Also for me, medication particularly SSRI helped me so much. We all know how you feel. It is not easy, but there is light and hope.
I am not a physician but you may have depression and OCD or maybe depression as a result of OCD. Depression from OCD will go away once OCD is treated. If you had depression before you may need to treat that. Your psychiatrist will know. Please don't go to any doctor because a lot of them are not experienced with mental health , so do your research before.
I also agree that ERP is a useful technique, but with medication I found it most hopeful.
Please keep us posted on what you do!
With lots of care!
Hello Catslover99. How are you? I hope you are feeding a bit better and getting some help.
Hola! mi nombre es David y uno de los mejores recursos fue OCD Recovery buscalos en Youtube (Robert Bray recovery story)
En lo personal he tenido casi toda mi vida TOC y recientemente logré "safarme" de la atadura principal que no me estaba dejando vivir y me sentía sin salida pero SI HAY SALIDA..
Y otra cosas que podría recomendar es leer como funciona el OCD lo que mas puedas para tener consciencia de como opera. Lo otro y es lo que aprendi en OCD Recovery , fue que la salida es Aceptación incondicional de uno mismo y de la vida tal como es..es un concepto vivencial que se puede ir incorporando a la vida de uno y es transformador.
Hay una vida más allá del TOC y ese es el slogan de mi canal de YouTube se llama "Hackeandoeltoc" en donde comparto como he ido manejando el TOC en mi vida y ciertamente el TOC te hace creer que todo esta perdido y NO es asi. Hay Salida, hay solucion y hay toda una vida por delante