Do you know what to do during a panic attack? Did you know there is treatment? It might look different than you’ve expected. Panic attacks can happen at any time and can often be mingled with stress, anxiety, or OCD.
Let’s go through Panic Attacks, why you have them, and what to do with them.
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00:00 You may have Panic Disorder
1:25 What does a panic attack look like?
3:03 What are the causes of a panic attack?
3:37 How to treat a panic attack
6:50 How long do panic attacks last?
7:05 What to do during a panic attack?
8:36 How to ride the wave of anxiety
9:51 Your job during a panic attack
12:24 Online program for OCD
12:39 Do you struggle with panic attacks?
DISCLOSURE: Although I am a licensed therapist. This video is not intended to replace medical advice. This is for information purposes only and should not be used to replace the guidance of a local mental health professional.⠀