I am new to this my daughter is 8 1/2 years old. She is diagnosed with ADHD Combined, OCD, ODD, Sensory issues and Anxiety-Nos also a fancy word for not potty trained at night. Her OCD is constantly making her tardy to school; now summer school. I wake her up at 6:00 a.m. to be there by 8:00 a.n. for summer school. She has been tardy every day. 5 days now. Tardy so much while regular school was in secession. She is constantly telling OCD to stop it, no don't want to, no, no go away. She tells me she thinks of something or something just pops into her head and her OCD tells her she has to watch videos (on you tube) or play a certain game or listen to a particular song. People I have asked say something else is going on OCD didn't tell you what to do it sounds like different personalities or something. I am scared for my daughter, sdhe says people or they (not sure who or what they are, I tried asking and she said she didnt know and got upset so i dropped it) are watching me. Also, she make me redue things if I touch her or get in her way. She gets upset and starts yelling at me and grabbing me and try to make me redue what i just did. I haven't seen her do this to anyone else; but I am the one she is comfortable around and is around her 24/7. Her dad I think is in denial that anything is wrong with her. He blames me for what ever she does wrong. She will also tell me to be quiet and leave her alone she is doing her OCD, she keeps getting it wrong and starting over.
I know you are not doctors; but I would like anyone's option to help me figure her out and try and help her. Thank you in advance. A concerned mom.
Sorry rambling on. Thanks again
Just to let you know she isn't on any medications.