I’m pretty sure I’m asexual. People look at others and go “omg they’re so hot!” This has never happened to me. I’ve never looked at someone and thought this. I know when I think someone is pretty or handsome but I’m not attracted to them. I don’t know if this is anxiety or being asexual but I think genitalia is gross and I never want to see it.
Now here’s the strange part. I was on insta today scrolling through people’s stories and this girl popped up, and my eyes went straight to her private parts. Automatically I thought, “gay!! deep down I’m probably a lesbian and I’m just hiding it from myself that I am.” Also I use to look at strangers and picture myself kissing them (even though I wasn’t attracted to them?) this would also happen sometimes when I was with my family, and again, I thought I was hiding from myself that I was sexually attracted to my family. As I was on Instagram today I kept imagining myself kissing strangers on the internet and it caused me so much anxiety and annoyance. So what does one do? Google. For hours.
Later, my sister was eating dinner. I didn’t get the image of myself kissing her. Then I kept checking to see if I was going to get the image in my mind again. Because I didn’t the thought originally, I refocused on it and put the thought back into my head 😭 I know I’m suppose to expose myself to the thought. “I may or may not be gay. I may or may not be sexually attracted to my family” but it’s making me so anxious. I feel like I actually am gay and attracted to my family and I’m just trying to find reasons to justify them and to just blame it on pure o instead of admitting it.