Hi I have had a very good day to day, then bang a go all funny again and thoughts start coming in! This ocd is a horrible thing! Now am thinking what if the mental health fail me what if I do kill my self what if a do hurt some one, if the normal to have this sort of thought with ocd?
Another happy day : Hi I have had a very... - My OCD Community
Another happy day

I’m glad you had a good day! Unfortunately this is our normal. We don’t ask to have these thoughts and we can’t control when they pop up, but we can control how we react to them. Maybe you will do all the horrible things your OCD says. That is something we have to accept to grow more comfortable with the thoughts. You have to retrain your brain to view these thoughts as just thoughts. Don’t attach a meaning or deem them as bad or dangerous. That will only encourage the OCD and the thoughts will appear more often. Next time you get a thought instead of obsessing over it try to just say “maybe, I don’t know”. Because we don’t know. Life is uncertain and part of overcoming OCD is accepting that uncertainty. Someone on here also recommended that when you get an intrusive thought just reply with “well, that would suck”. It adds a bit of humor. And not to give you too much reassurance but there hasn’t been any evidence of someone with OCD ever acting on an intrusive thought. Let’s try for another positive day tomorrow, you got this! OCD doesn’t know you. Don’t let it bully you into thinking it does.
Hi MYOCD123, you always give me hope in my ocd my doctor has told me I am not a risk to people are my self I am not "dangerous" or "mad" it's just the ocd making me think I am. Am up and down with my feelings one min am ok next my anxiety is really bad! And also my ocd. Studies do say that no one with harm ocd or any sort of ocd has acted on the thoughts they have because we are aware of the thoughts and it up sets us so much! Because we would never do anything of the sort! We are the opposite of are thoughts we are good people. And many people suffer from this form so we are not alone! Just people don't take about it. Well not all