Guys phlebotomy has moved to the Cancer Centre from Tabard Annexe, as I found out the hard way when I went to have a blood taken yesterday.
it took a frustrating two hours of wandering around the hospital and ending up in tears before anybody could tell me where to go to have my blood taken for a haematology f/u phone call on Monday. I’m exhausted today as a result
If I have the blood tests done at Guys then at least I have consistent data, and more to the point they appear in my Guys record automatically. I had one set done at my local GPs, and it was a nightmare transmitting the information from my GPs to Guys.
It didn’t seem to be on anybody’s job description to tell me that the test would be in a different place from last time.
Ah well. I’ll see what the results are when I get the phone call on Monday. It may be that the doctor has to see them and release the results first, because there is as yet nothing showing on the epic my chart system.
I’ve been on momelitinib for abt 6 weeks now.
no more nausea, but I do feel dizzy if I stand up too quickly. So that’s easy – I just stand up slowly.
Best wishes and happy new year.