Hi hoping someone can help with this I was given a copy of blood film results last week which were taken whilst I was at consultation on 8th nothing was mentioned about this result on the day so hoping does not mean too much but have not seen this test done before or at least not seen results from any done prior
blood film morphology
red cell morpholgy: unremarkable
white cell morphology: unremarkable
platelet morphology:
anisocytosis,very large forms seen OA(SpR)
I have PV and normally my platlets are roughly in range with an odd blip of elevation but then return to within range
on the 8th Aug when blood film was taken platelets were 374 then on 19th were 425 I have had big drops in the past too being 269 and 158, should I now be worrying about platlets as well as HCT,
I am justing getting nearly into range with HCT and Hb, not on meds yet just venesection and asprin
nothing was mentioned in the consultation about the morphology and those results would have been available
am I just worrying as not seen these test results before