I was diagnosed with PV JAK2 neg in April 2020 following a bone marrow biopsy and am taking a low dose aspirin only. I put in a claim to Aviva in July 2020 and this has now been paid with interest dating back to diagnosis date and a refund of premiums from diagnosis to pay out. The process was simple and Aviva very efficient.
Successful critical illness insurance claim - MPN Voice
Successful critical illness insurance claim

Good for you. I have had Permanent health insurance since I gained my professional qualifcation. My wife often complained about the cost but it has more than paid for itself since I retired over 6 years ago on ill-health grounds. The insurance company hated it but the last review they never even asked for a letter from my consultant or GP even though they hate paying out.
I would recommend to any professional to take out PHI as you cannot predict your future and your family/ your financial security may depend on it.
One word of caution , make sure the policy states you cannot do your chosen job rather than any job otherwise you could end up filling supermarket shelves with metastatic cancer.
Also if there is on option to increase cover after a period of time when you earnings have increased take it.
You may see it as wasted money if you are lucky enough to never use it but look at it as supporting a colleague who was not as fortunate as you. Refund of premiums I hate to say was a bad policy.
Remember all income from PHI is non -taxable so is worth 25-40% more than what is payed even though policy costs are not tax deductable
Well done!! We had the same with Aviva claiming for hubby's MPN, they were swift at paying ours, it's made a massive difference to our lives having the money worries taken away.
Definitely was worth the premiums.
Great news x
Fantastic news!
hi just wondering is anyone with Royal London to see if they have paid out for ET