This forum has been a wonderful place to help me and others to find our voice. To chat with people who truly understand and know what we are going through. To help us not feel alone.
A few months ago a lovely brave lady shared her story about her treatment undergoing a hysterectomy in a early pregnancy hospital ward. This started a conversation where others shared their experiences to. A chance for many of us to speak about things we never have. To talk about all we have endured in hospital wards and waiting rooms. This conversation has continued into real life as I have met with and chatted to so many others who have suffered in silence.
We decided to be brave and vocalise our need for change, so no other woman has to endure in the same way we have.
A petition was started; A Twitter page; Twitter @Ifpetition A facebook page;
And today our story was told on episode 147 of the fertility podcast
The lovely Steph from World childless week talks first and then I talk about the infertile friendly campaign. I am very grateful for this forum in helping me to find my voice and find the words to describe my story. I end the interview by being asked what advice would I give. Where do you start right? My advice was to be brave, to find your voice and well the rest you will have to listen to to find out haha xxx