Hi, I'm new.
I got told at 18 that it was unlikely that I would ever have kids. My partner and I met nearly four years ago and due to medical science improving, we got referred for a specialist to see if this was still the case.
After a gruelling twelve months we have been told that there is a slim chance we could get pregnant but due to my medical problems any pregnancy would risk a one in four chance of having a baby with serious and life limiting disabilities.
Having experienced medical issues throughout my whole life, I can't face having a child and the possibility of having to be confronted every day with the fact that my own medical conditions caused the issues my child would face.
As such my partner and I have decided against our own children and are currently looking into the possibility of adoption.
A lot of my school friends have all recently announced. One has polycystic ovaries, another's partner had problems with a low sperm count, and a third happily announced 'I can't believe how effective the pill is; I got pregnant straight away'. Although I'm bitter about the last friends insensititivity, I am geniinly made up for all three.
However I am struggling to also contain my feelings as I know I will never have that. I am crying a lot and it just all feels so unfair that because of sheer bad luck with my own health, I have been forced to make the decision to not have my own children as I couldn't cope with the guilt.
I feel like a really horrible person.