I recently had some blood tests (for fatigue) and the only one that came back with a problem was my vitamin D levels, I have a severe deficiency. I did some research online and found a few articles that say low vitamin D levels are common in people with chronic migraine (which I have had as long as the fatigue) but not necessarily that treating the deficiency helps. Has anyone else had this or know if any good sources of information? Thanks.
Does anyone have a vitamin D deficiency? - National Migraine...
Does anyone have a vitamin D deficiency?

Take a look at the above blog, I have been looking at this myself the past couple of days. There are some links to youtube if you open the full blog where a neurologist gives link between vit d deficiency and migraine, amongst other pain diseases.
I have just ordered a high potency vit d(2000) from simplysupplements.co.uk and will be seeing if it has a impact.
Good luck
I, too, have recently been diagnosed with severe vit d deficiency and am being treated. I also have migraines. vitamin d deficiency is also linked with magnesium deficiency and this also with migraines. drbriffa.com/2012/06/07/mag... is useful - in fact John Briffa has many many interesting articles on his blog, well worth checking out. For the record I now take 5000 iu vitamin d daily, after doc got bloods (nearly) up to OK levels. read read read x
Thanks for your replies. I'm now being treated - but only after asking my doctor, not sure he would have bothered otherwise! I've been prescribed 60,000 units per week for 8 weeks then re test. It would be great if that was behind my fatigue, migraines or both! Thanks for the links will do some more research.
Hi. How do you know what dose to take?
Hi Seville My gp told me what dose and prescribed the tablets after a blood test.
Sorry Sybille typing this on my phone!
I have vit D deficiency as well as migraine and under active thyroid. Can you get vit D on prescription? I have to take 5000 units daily for 3 months and it works out very expensive.