hello fellow migraine sufferers, I’ve had migraines all of my life, it completely sucks, I’ve had times in my life where I’ve had months without them.
I had to have my ovaries out a couple of years ago & ever since then it’s been hell. Menopause at 38 not fun! I have severe endometriosis which makes HRT complex for me as I wonder if I had more oestrogen my migraines wouldn’t be so bad 😳😩
Tried all the meds with the GP at the time & they never referred me to my nhs neurologist & waits 2yrs! I took matters into my own hands last year thought I would pay privately to see a specialist at national migraine centre, started Ajovy, it worked for a while but for the past few months I’ve got my chronic migraines back 😩! I feel so depressed & drained! My BP has got high even though I eat clean & exercise.
I just am so exhausted by all of this, my migraines wipe me out & the vomiting & pain are just awful. The headaches linger & triptans don’t always work I’ve got various ones! I then don’t exercise & basically stop various things.
Due to my desperation I saw my GP this week she has recommended candesartan & I demanded for the acute migraines to prescribe Vydura - Rimegepant .
Today had my consultation with the national migraine centre & next option she said try the candesartan as it’s free on the nhs or try Atogepant (Aquipta - but OMG it’s more expensive than the ajovy I was buying 3mths at around £600 plus these Atogepant (Aquipta are £300-£400 per month 💰💰🫤😩
Any experiences of using candesartan or Atogepant (Aquipta) for prevention?
any experience using Vydura - Rimegepant for acute treatment?
I just wish something would work! Like I’m sure many of us do!
Thanks in Advance