Hi, I'm just writing because I just recently talked to my neurologist and I am on topiramate and it's not working so I've been cleared to go off that and start a monthly injection on aimovig. It's a newer medication. Very expensive so I'm not sure yet as to what I'll have to pay out of pocket or what is covered. ( Eek saw in the US it's like $600 a shot so praying I dont pay more than 100 out of pocket) But I was wondering if anyone on here has any experience with this drug? Sort of like an EpiPen is what I'm told as I have yet to receive the product. Waiting on documentation to go through before I receive my first dose so a tiny bit worried as it's only new as in the last two years supposedly but is meant to stop your brains neurotransmitters or something along those lines. And help or input would be great as it's my first time hearing about it and I also am not huge on needles lol but willing to deal with them if it means no more migraines
Does anyone have experience with aimo... - National Migraine...
Does anyone have experience with aimovig?

I don't take Aimovig but I have been on the Ajovy drug which is in the same class as Aimovig, it one of the newish CGRP drugs and is a neuropeptide. I have to self inject every month and I've been on it for 5 months.
It's been amazing really, I was having botox for the previous 6 years which halved my migraines but I would say so far the Ajovy works even better. For two of the months I had virtually zero migraines. The last month hasn't been so good though I've had a migraine almost everyday but the strength of them is so much less that I can still go about my day.
Obviously everyone is different but I jumped at the chance of being given them and I'm glad I did.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for your reply, I don't know anyone on this drug yet so a little weary but I also jumped at the chance as nothing else is working and it's almost an everyday thing for me having migraines. Glad to hear it's been working thus far. If you don't mind me asking, have you had any side effects to it or anything problems with the injection sites? Those are what I'm most worried about since not a lot of people are on this medication to give me feedback about these things.
I have migraines between 15 and 25 days a month so almost everyday for me too. I've had no problems at all with the injection sites though, I started with a normal syringe and then after a couple of months it changed to an epipen type thing, both are unpleasant in different ways but once its in it doesn't give me any problems.
In regards to side effects its hard to tell because I have quite a lot of other chronic pain illnesses so I have a lot of 'unexplained pain' anyway. The only thing I would say is that when I do have migraines now they are a bit weird, so I sometimes have the nausea and fatigue but without the pain, which I'm assuming is because of the CGRP thing but I don't really know to be honest, or I get neck pain thats quite bad but it doesn't move into my head and I get hot and cold but I couldn't say its the definitely the injections.
I’ve been injecting aimovig for over a year. It has been life changing. It is pricey but worth it. No side effects for me. I went from taking 18 triptans a month to about 2-4. The 2-4 I still take are for menstrual migraine, and I am able to make them go away. Before aimovig I just had to wait them out. Aimovig has practically eliminated the Chronic migraine stemming from my chronic tension headaches (due to scoliosis and constant stress on muscles and nerves). Even the constant discomfort (achey muscles in neck, pressure at base of skull) from the tension headaches is much improved. Much of the time I feel no discomfort at all. The aimovig prescription card makes it more affordable — definitely look at that on the aimovig website. No trouble using the injector or problem with the injection site.
Hi there,
Don't be afraid of it - just give it a try. It works really well for a lot of people. I was on the clinical trials for Ajovy made by Teva. This is the same class of drug as Aimovig. There are no side effects with the drug apart from a few reported cases of irritation at injection site. I didn't experience that. I have nothing but good things to say about it. It changed my life. I had chronic migraine and lived a life of utter misery and this changed everything.
I hope that this sets your mind at rest.
Hi Blackedout. I was in a similar position to you and decided not to go ahead. I did some research and decided the side effects outweighed the benefits. There is a Facebook support group that may help you make an informed decision
Recently began Amovig after years of Topiramate. Was nearly migraine free for first 2 months, following month had break through headaches/migraines and ultimately this past month, developed allergic reaction. Want to go back in Topamax but neurologist is not willing. Other migraine medicine is not suitable with my other health issues and at a loss now. Amovig has website where you can get it for $5 or free up to a year. Self administration of injection was ok, painful and need to ensure that all medication is administered when time comes.Hope you have success
Hello, I was on Aimovig, and it did help w/my migraines. My only issue was the constipation. It was horrible. I was using Miralax and a stool softener everyday to help me get thru it. I am now on Ajovy which is a lot better. No side effects.