Today I have decided to start the New Year with telling my story as it might benefit others.
I suffered with migraines all my life, as a child , then a great deal less as an adult female ( for some reason during my life doctors decided on odd occasions during my life to give me ‘ vitamin injections, never telling my parents or myself why ) Then when I went into menopause then it crescendoed. 3 days out of 10 I spend in bed in a dark room on my left side with a bucket next to me. I was on heavy medication which made everything worse not better. One day I had enough, told my husband if he didn’t take all the pills away, I would take the lot... was referred to a Neurologist, I had stopped taking any medication apart from paracetamol and ibuprofen, that was hard. After CT scan and MRI scan, lots of blood tests it turned out to be deficiencies in ordinary vitamins B12 , B9, D and also in magnesium. Being physically sick soooo much everything I did manage to hold down wasn’t enough to sustain me.
It took quite a long time, but I have my life back. Hardly any migraines now and if I do get the odd one they don’t last more then the day , I don’t have to lie down in a dark room either. I do feel very tired and nauseous however very much reduced pain which I control with paracetamol(2x500mg+ ibuprofen(1 Nurofen 684 mg ) . This was recommended by Nurse practitioner at A&E hospital department. I now have regular Hydroxocobalamin injections, more then the 3 monthly recommended now on NHS. To stop fighting my GP, he overruled my neurologist, I went private and get them that way and in the mean time I was shown how to do this myself. I certainly recommend everyone to try, it isn’t a cure but it is worth a try. Migraines were the first of my neurological symptoms to improve after a few weeks of regular loading injections. It must be said that the balance with all vitamin B’s are extremely important as is magnesium and potassium and of course vitamin D+K2 I have read up about all this quite a lot and still do. Also adhering to a healthy diet, no readymade stuff for me and regular exercise (minimum of 30min a day). I learned I wasn’t the only one who benefits from this. There isn’t a lot of money to be made from prescribing vitamin injections so might be the reason why it isn’t being tried more often.