I have muscular dystrophy and the past 3 months have been hell with severe depression and anxiety, where I keep going only because what else do I do. I want to see the world so I’ll just suffer through it. The only reason I could have this is because my condition gets worse with regression. But I’m also a very religious person and believe heavily that my G-d shows signs to me. But also, I basically don’t function but my G-d helps me still feel purpose being here so I just try to help people even though I feel like a walking zombie.
Also wrote this:
It takes out all your drive.
You realize lazy people still have actual motivation.
You feel empty, like a bystander of life.
You just survive day to day.
You eyes scream pain, but no one sees it.
You are a walking zombie trying to stay alive.
You feel alone in a filled auditorium.
You question how you even got through the day.
The blank, zero emotion eyes.
Getting out of bed takes effort.
Nowhere is safe but bed.