I’m suffering in the deep throws of depression I cannot sleep I cry all the time but I also have a emptyness inside of me it’s a apathy so overwhelming I don’t even want to talk to people struggling to know what to do I havnt been on medication for nearly 3 years but previous to that I have tried so many but not really found anything that works just need some friendly support as this is a really bad time
Depression and severe apathy - Mental Health Sup...
Depression and severe apathy

So sorry to read of your suffering what medication are you on atm?
As I said in my post I am not on any medications been of 30 months but I have tried all the ssris and a few other meds I don’t tolerate them well and havnt found much relief
You could try something called NAC for tinnitus they sell it in Holland&Barrett I don't know if it would work also you could try magnesium say 100 - 200mg per day to see if it would calm down the pain ?
Have you thought of asking God for help ?
Magnesium makes my symptoms so much more worse , I’m not religious I don’t believe in god but I don’t judge others that do
That's interesting what happens when you have magnesium?
The magnesium makes me more depressed I was taking magnesium glycinate at night to try and help with my sleep as it is very poor and to try and lower high cortisol levels that I struggle with in the early hours of the morning but it just made me so much more depressed
I bought some the other day and it's made me depressed sorry I recommended it before I had taken it myself
NAC isn't a downer I did read it can.help some people with tinnitus
Have you put in a formal complaint to NHS for the damage the ECT did?
You need to talk out your worries and concerns, so a visit to your GP is the best way forward.
Write a list before you go, this will help you remember all the problems and sadness you are suffering from.
Do you have any idea why you have hit bottom this time ?
Hi Terry4949 and thank you for your post. I am sorry to hear that things are so difficult for you at present. As borderriever has posted, please make an appointment to see your GP and take a list of questions you may wish to ask with you. You will be able to discuss all the help and treatment available [other medication and talking therapies] Your GP may have a mental health nurse attached to the practice who could also help you. Please stay on the forum for help and support. Are there any other members who can help Terry4949, please? I hope you will soon be feeling better.
Thank you and best wishes.
I have been right where u are for many years 40 yrs anorexic since 14 and checked into treatment almost 7 yrs now still continue every 3 months talking is best medicine ever I take very small dose sertraline daily for OCD with food and PTSD from abuse it works for me I was dying and treatment saved me when our tunnel is very dark and hopeless we see no glimmer of light we ask for support and help such as on here and it is a sign of strength not weakness chat anytime we care that is why we here to get and give support u hang on and keep searching for that light at end of tunnel I wad there side a child 57 and happy and tree
Ok now free not tree should have proofread post before sent it lol
Please try magnesium oxide supplementation and vitamin B12 supplementation. This will very likely help you. There are so many people with these 2 vitamin deficiencies. Also are you getting enough vitamin D? I can’t promise they will help you, but I really believe they will.
Thank you for your reply unfortunately I am very sensitive to supplements after I had a bad reaction to mirtazapine it kinda fried my brain and ever since any supplements seem to be activating for me I did try B12 it made my anxiety worse
Oh wow, vitamin B12 made my anxiety better. Try getting vitamins from food. Also try eating salmon, it’s a very good brain food and make sure you are drinking enough water.
I drink 2 litres of water a day and I do eat very healthy I avoid all sugar and processed food I eat plenty of fish yet I can’t tolerate fish oil as again it ramps up my anxiety I get that nervous feeling in the stomach
I completely understand Terry. You feel overwhelmed and isolated. I feeel it everyday and have been really struggling lately this past week, so if youd like to chat im available to you
Sorry you are going through a rough time, if we become apathetic we become disinterested in life and associated trials and negative expectations. Like you I prefer not to actually discuss any of my problems with people around me and prefer to try and instigate my own changes hoping that I am able to control my own life and expectations.
The main problem I have is I become insular, with the exception of these sites, I am able to pick up ideas from others concerns and expectations, life is hard and unrelenting when it comes down to mental and physical distress. It is important we can learn from others who try different ways of moving on.
Whatever you decide you need to explain to your GP and explain how you are feeling, to talk out your problems in any way suitable to yourself should help. CBT can be a good way forward as long as you pick up and understand ways to help yourself to move on.

Thank you I find mornings are unbearable I wake after what little sleep I get and I feel toxic it seems to extend from my stomach I feel intoxicated even though I don’t drink by the evening it lifts only to return full force the next morning is a depression sickness or something else I have had blood test and mostly they are all in range
Anxiety and associated conditions can be caused by health problems. Feelings become more intense when the person is unable to deal with possible multiple problems at the same time
One way around the problem is take each problem in its own packet, Take each problem and split the concern into little bites and try to sort out that concern, if you get stuck leave that concern and move on to the next etc. Each bite, concern makes that concern less and as your problems get sorted you will gain confidence.
Cutting up on the problems make it easier to approach, when you try to rectify your Anxiety. Hopefully your problems will become less and less

Thanks for your words of advice I have been struggling for a long time now to be honest without medication maybe it’s time to try another one or try to get this head pain under control , I feel very apathetic today but I have managed to get out and walk my dogs but my mood is generally low every day been like this for 5 years but then every while it deepens to a unrelenting deep depression that I struggle to get through the day
I am always bad in the morning, I miss not going out with Pax in the morning, I have to rest and pull myself around until after lunch.
I like to watch some of the old TV programs and I also look through picture books of places I have traveled to in the past, that diverts my negative moods and expectations. I also do similar in the evening before bed, until I find the need too sleep. Terry I do not know age or what occupation you are in, yes talk to your GP who can suggest treatment such as CBT, Relaxation Technique Mindfulness or Breathing exersises, both the latter you will find books on Mindfulness on Amazon £7.00 STG.
Breathing techniques can be found on the web

Thank you for your reply my mood is always low in the morning even though I sleep poorly it doesn’t help but I have funny days where I can feel just a little bit better then in the afternoon I just slump in to a very low apathetic mood which often makes me feel suicidal it just descends out of nowhere and I feel so empty inside then a couple of hours later it just lifts I really hate when this happens
Hobbies do help with mood and depression, Diversions can also help, a walk in an attractive area that has various views, birds and animals etc. It is important you look for interests that will help you move onto a better more positive mood
If you feel in any way Suicide is the way I can say it is not, all it will do is upset everyone who knows you. I tried many years ago and even now my Wife watches over me and controls all my medication. She now attends my GP Appointments and now has telephone numbers she can call if She feels in any way uncertain. So all I would suggest is look for positive activities
How are you doing these days Terry ? I have found out I have bvFTD (thought it was depression) .... the apathy is just awful