Hi All,
My doctor complained that my cholesterol was high but I don’t eat anything to make it high I watch what I eat and don’t have cakes, cream, much diary products but have been under a lot of stress that my Barrett’s disease has gone from stage 2 to stage 3 in a year, my hairs falling out, have a lot of stomach pain and severe anxiety and panic attacks through things outside my control, I told my doctor is was probably the bad cholesterols cortisol and adrenal that were causing it and he just ignored me.
Does anyone know what my doctor has to put on the blood form to check for these two things as he doesn’t know himself 🥴 so when I do go and ask I’ve got some evidence as to how I can show him what he needs to put. It’s awful when you can believe in your doctor anymore and they are to busy to look it up.
Thank you in advance 🤗