Not able to do anything: Hi All 5... - Mental Health Sup...

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Not able to do anything

10 Replies

Hi All

53 year old Divorced male only recently diagnosed, severe depression, ADD, anxiety, etc. How terrible to go through life, not understanding why things are so hard for me to learn.

Recently changed to Efexxor XR, can't seem to do anything other than lay on the floor for the past month, does this get any better? Is the mind stretching a similar feeling to others?

I hope someone sees this

10 Replies

Hi, Darness, If it's any consolation, I'm exactly the same. Purposeless, divorced 3 years ago, severe depression, social isolation, add, previous suicide attempts, all you gotta do is keep on plugging away. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.

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I was too embarrassed to say I also tried suicide 3 times last year, alas unsuccessful

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How did you try?

in reply to

3 bottles of temazepam didn't work Next day 4 boxes of epilim didn't work

4 boxes of seroquel and I'm still here, I wrote in texta on my chest huge letters, DNR " do no resuscitate " what have I done, they won't let me Go.

Thanks for reading my message may good fortune rain upon you

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Yeah, pills aren't great in doing the job, I tried a litre of vodka and 32 paracetomol 25 years ago, I've also stood on bridges over 300 foot drops, 350ft cliffs, walked up and down train platforms, walking into the sea. Just can't quite get the courage to go through with it, it's kinda final isn't it. Don't really want to be here just too scared too leave. Depression sucks massive balls. Keep fighting though....

Beckypriii profile image
Beckypriii in reply to

Sorry to interrupt your conversation. I read these comments and wanted to message you. I’m so sorry to hear this is how you feel at the moment. I appreciate your situation is really bad, but please try to remember it can only improve.

There are so many people out there, if you want to talk. The world would be a bleaker place without you. I wish you all the best and hope your situation improves soon.

in reply to Beckypriii

Becky Thank you for taking the time to read my message, I know I don't deserve it.

When you feel lower than the rubbish on the street, and in your mind your self worth is lower than doggy doo doo.

You waste time, energy, food, money, & medicine its not deserved.

Don't know if you know about being molested as a youngster, this stays with you forever, & just knowing that you were being used as a cum receptacle, destroys any self-esteem. I'm sorry you have to read my terrible message

May nothing but good fortune rain upon you

Try not to be in a hurry for finding someone else, take your time. It can be a problem to walk into a new relationship to quickly

I always found is to attend various activities where you meet people because when people have been in a relationship it can be difficult to move on and learn how to meet other people, A circle of new friends as generally when we have this past relationship we find that we get trapped in a form of comfort zone and if people you know were friends with you and partner we can find friendshipswhen in relationship break down and we can loose contact with these so called friends

If you are taking medications allow time to get used to the drug, upward of six weeks

Always allow time to settle and make new friends eventually you will move on


Kathy0797 profile image

Are you feeling any better now? If not, force yourself to go back to GP. Get therapy. Get meds that works for you. As Winston Churchill said, ‘when you’re going through hell, keep going’. Keep reaching out for support until you find a combo that works for you.

Thanks. I keep plugging away.

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