Hello I am new to this app and thought to try get out my comfort zone and introduce myself. I’m a 22 year old male and for the past few years I have really been struggling with anxiety depression. The last 2 months of my life have been so awful in terms of my mood. Everyday has been getting worst to the point where I really don’t see the point in life anymore. Im sacred and wanna try get out of this mood, the thoughts don’t seem to go away no matter how hard I distract myself, I always go back to the same feeling of not wanting to be alive. My moods has affected my friendships and even my relationship. I’m getting tired of this low feeling and always worrying about losing people or worrying about my future. I just wanna be a better person hence why I thought to download this app and see if it can help in anyway. Thank you
Hi I’m new here: Hello I am new to this... - Mental Health Sup...
Hi I’m new here

Hi TJ,
Welcome to HU forum.
Thank you for sharing how you are feeling with us. It sounds like a really tough place to be emotionally, I am sorry to hear you have struggled for so long.
I wonder if there is someone, perhaps a family member or friend, you can tell how difficult things are for you so you don’t feel so alone.
I would strongly advise you make an urgent appointment with your Doctor and, before you go, write a list of how you have been feeling, any anything that has happened in your life that might have triggered this . For example, things like recreational drug use in your teens, a significant shock, Trauma or loss, financial or housing worries, bullying etc. If you can identify the trigger, this gives your Dr a helpful starting point, but please do not worry if you can’t put it down to anything in particular as your Dr will help.
If you are in the UK (?) here are a couple of useful support agencies who you can either talk to or check out the details.
Mind.org.uk. or samaritans.org (their telephone number is 116 123)
I hope this helps in some small way. Please do let’s us know how you get on.
Sending you a virtual hug {}
Best wishes, Misty x
Hi Thank you, that’s very reassuring, I appreciate this. I booked a telephone appointment with my gp for today so I’ll try write a list to help before he calls. And yes I’m from UK so thank you for the links I’ll have a look at them, hopefully they help. Thank you x
Have you been able to work out why you are suffering Anxiety or Depression. Has there been a time in your life that has triggered your concerns and illness
The first thing to do is make an appointment with your GP, take a list of all salient worries you have so you can discuss your needs and expectations in Life. However it is also important for you to address what is also going on in your Life and what triggered all your fears and Depression.
It may be a course of CBT may help you come to terms and talk things out, and learn coping skills that will help you address this problem
However we are also hear to help if that is what is needed. Also have you any friends or family you can talk to. If it is affecting your relationship with your Partner, talking there may also help
Hi thank you, I guess I’m still tryna figure out what fully triggered the suffering like if it’s my job or past bad relationships. But I know my recent break up triggered it more.
I spoke to my gp today and he gave me some medication and useful tools for therapy to use. He believed it to be a course of CBT like you say.
I have mostly been spending time with friends to ignore the pain but that’s only temporary I still end up feeling low and suicidal afterwards.
Hi TJ,
Well done on making those first difficult steps, on contacting your GP and being so open about your struggles on this forum.
I reached the point of staring into the abyss, much as you are, in October last year. With the help of many I’m now at the point where I have returned to work, and although life still has its challenges, I do now have hope.
Wishing you well