I have realized how much of my time I waste worrying about what other people think of me . I am constantly in deep thought about what he or she or they think of me and it is ruining my life, it has become obsessive and I've had enough. Has anyone got any advice on how to stop this vicious cycle I have got caught up in. Thanks
Worrying about what other people thin... - Mental Health Sup...
Worrying about what other people think of me
See a counselor then they will give you tools ... You need to worry about you . I also feel the same you cannot let people rule you..
I saw my care co ordinator today who gave me some paperwork regarding this issue. I'm going to try it out , I am completely overwhelmed about other people's thoughts . Its going to be hard . But il try . Thanks for your reply

Do you work in a care setting ?
No I'm not in work and will be moving in with my poorly dad in August to look after him which I am looking forward to. I'm going to do some research on "what other people think " so I can become a stronger and not let it bother me so much

What other people think and it has destroyed your life .. You could have help in??
Some people I work with happily look after there family member with my help as a health professional there is some who do not want to or do not have a clue.
I'm quite happy to be looking after my dad he is 90 with minor heart failure and prostate cancer. We get on and I need to get my mind in a better place so I can concentrate on him . It's the issue with what other people think of me that has destroyed me . The thing is most of these people are not close to me and I very rarely see them so I don't know why I'm so bothered

What do you think the people would say ?? Does it matter. I am glad you do not mind looking after your Dad I got confused .
I have autism and don't always write my words down properly. No wonder you got confused. I'm giving my home up to look after him as I want to give something back as a thankyou for all the help he has always given me. It will probably do me good and give me some structure in my life . I guess when it comes to "what others think "i think they are judging me and putting me down and talking about me

I thought you meant before you didn't want to help so I really got confused of course with you now. Do not worry about what people think maybe having autism could maybe make you feel differently as your brain is wired difently that is positive dont let people stop you . Always hear if you want a chat or advice
Most people you know will most probably feel the same way as you do and they wing it through relationships. Be yourself and enjoy the different vibes of others