Sertraline- feel awful week 7. - Mental Health Sup...

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Sertraline- feel awful week 7.

Lizzypink profile image
25 Replies

Sertraline week 7 feeling awful, thought I’d update, I now can’t function, bad pressure feeling in head, tight, chest and shortness of breath. I’m wondering if this really isn’t agreeing with me, I’m stuck in bed. Still on 50mg. Is there anyone else experiencing this? Thought I’d be getting used to it by now ☹️

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Lizzypink profile image
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25 Replies
Jods25 profile image

Hi, i only lasted 2 weeks on sertraline, first time on anti depressants. But sertraline didnt agree with me at all, my mood worsened 10 fold. I couldnt concentrate, i was so anxious, i would throw up, lost appetite. So doctor switched me to mirtazapine, which has calmed down all the above but now i just feel empty inside. But maybe this is normal for first time with 3 weeks in on anti depressants... I think sertraline is the most common one the doctors put you on, so maybe give them a ring and see if you can get switched.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Jods25

Hi, thanks for your reply! It’s so tough trying to find something that suits us.. I had the same on my 3rd week on sertraline, then felt actually ok till I got to week 6, I’m just so weak and breathless, the doctor is phoning today. I was told to give it till at least 8 weeks, but surely they shouldn’t make you worse when it’s been 6 weeks and 3 days. I hope the new medication works for you!

Kay-boo86 profile image

I only lasted 3 weeks and 3 days cause I ended up in a&e 3 times in a space of a week cause I couldn’t breathe, bad chest pains, dizziness, I passed out. I went completely off food and lost just over a stone in one week, I was having panic attacks everyday, I had bad belly always on the toilet, being sick. First week I was fine all I felt was spacey it was the 2nd week onwards. I would stop taking it cause you could be having a reaction to it x hope your ok x

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

Hi Kay, thanks for replying! Gosh I’m sorry you went through that! That’s how I was, the shortness of breath I can’t bear, I had exactly the same, now feeling chesty, throat hurting and going toilet. I also list so much weight, and I’m skinny anyway. I really thought, I should ride it out, but after 6 weeks, I shouldn’t be getting worse, I think your right, it doesn’t agree with me!

Aww I hope your okay now! I wish you well! Xx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

Babe it was awful that’s why I stopped I was naughty and stopped cold turkey but my first day of no tablet I felt a tiny tiny bit better so I knew I made the right choice, but I don’t recommend to stop cold turkey I would come off slowly. I got told 4-6 weeks you should see a improvement your nearly 7 it’s obviously not agreeing with you and what going dealing with is really scary cause I was the same and even I could see the fear in my husband eyes. So I ended up googling about Sertraline and wow so many people had bad reactions to it don’t get me wrong it’s helped a lot of people but these side affects wasn’t worth keep taking they were scary xxx hope you get better hun and do what feels right for you xxx

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

Yes your right, 4-6 weeks should of kicked in not gone worse! I’ve done just that and googled everyday about sertraline and most are quite a horror story, then there are positive ones, they say stick with it! Guess we’re just the ones it doesn’t agree with. I’m scared of coming off it, but will definitely reduce the dose for a while! I’ve never had such awful panic attacks till the Covid 19 started..that’s why I started them.. how are you coping with anxiety now? I do yoga meditation and all sorts to help, but some days it just takes over or is made worse by the tablets. You must be so relieved now you made that choice to stop them! Lovely to chat with you! Xxx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

Don’t I’ve been med free for 3 years then bang Covid and it smacked me down and that to that is why I’m struggling with my mental health. I’m in no meds at the moment but I do have clitpram waiting if I need it (I was on them years ago but came of 3 years ago cause I fell pregnant and had my baby) I downloaded apps called headspace, calm, mindfulness I listen to them everyday, I got a humidifier and I brought oils of amazon called anxiety, calming, lavender and some others. I also use Epsom bath salts in my bath I got lavender, destressed and some others and you got to change your way of thinking I used to let anxiety run my head now I switch it and say I’m not listening to you. Sounds stupid but you can’t get the anxiety take over your brain cause it will win so that’s why you could to think different it took me a while to get there but I’ve been off Sertraline for 4 weeks now and since doing what I’ve been doing my family have noticed a difference in me a better one for the first weeks I was bad cause of withdrawals but this week I have a lot of good days where as before I was in my bed 24/7 now I’m outside and I actually went for a few drives. I wanted to try natural things before starting meds again and I’ve read Omega 3 is good for anxiety and depression xxx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

And stop watching the news or anything to do with it as that was making me 1000% worse. I’m so glad as it was making me worse but I’ve got 4 kids I needed to do something I heard yoga is good I should try it. It’s lovely chatting to you and I’m always here if you need a chat hun xxx

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

Gosh you sound like me in so many ways, I started the whole mindfulness journey as well, and lavender is my favourite oil! I really think your so brave in all you’ve done, especially having 4 children to look after, it’s our family’s we feel sorry for- I felt so guilty, my fella put up with a lot, I’m usually the strong one! I have my daughter at home and she’s had to watch me go through so much. That’s great to hear your recovering well. I definitely stopped watching the news for sure..followed it way to much!

Thanks again! Xxx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

I was glued to the news and then I kept googling it and it made me ill to the stage I didn’t want to be here anymore. My kids saw me go bad and then my autistic son started copying me and telling me he didn’t want to be in the same room as me which broke my heart he is fine now cause he has seen mummy getting happy again. I put lavender everywhere in my house cause I heard it’s good. I’ve brought the omega 3 vitamins so I need to start taking it but everyone rates it on google for anxiety cause apparently it gives us what our brain is lacks. I just feel with you you should of seen a improvement by now and I would stop but I’m not a doctor but going by my experience it wasn’t nice. Hope you get well soon babe and like I said I’m only a message away. Keep smiling xxx

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

I think so too, I’ve waited long enough! Aww I really feel for you, as it’s tough your kids having to see you like that, it makes you feel weak and useless. Same with my daughter, she’s been so fed up and I’ve not been able to much with her! I’ve also read about the omega 3 oils.. I will try them! Just thought I’d mention I do CBT online and it’s helped a lot, my doctor gave me the number, so after a week of being unsure rang up and they put me on a silver cloud program- with relaxation techniques and Support! It’s worth a try just knowing you have support when you need it.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Lizzy. Xxx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

I’ve been referred on to a place called uplift so just waiting on a date where I can start CBT hopefully not much longer but they told me they been so busy as this virus has affected loads of people. It’s horrible cause you want to do things with the kids but you mentally can’t. I’m happy to try anything I just dint want to go back on tablets but if I do then Least I can say I tried natural first xxxx

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

How are you feeling now babe xx

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

Hi Kay. I’m ok thanks, what about you? I’m weaning off the sertraline from yesterday, so will see how that goes. X

Kay-boo86 profile image
Kay-boo86 in reply to Lizzypink

That’s good hun. But just be warned you might get withdrawals if you search it then it will tell you what to expect I got it but that could be cause I stopped cold turkey but I do feel so much better since stopping it. I’m good hun xxx

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Kay-boo86

Aww sorry my son moving house today, Lots to do, so keeping busy helps a lot! Glad you feel much better! Yes I did read about that, I’m coming off them slowly, I hope I can cope 😅 speak again! Xxx

I was told to wait 4 weeks...then 8 weeks and by week 10 I was passing my food within an hour of eating, waking up at 2-3am and felt neither less anxious which was my main hope, nor was it lifting my mood. I knew the mood wouldnt change and being Bi-polar it was the main reason asked for it because I dont see my elevation periods as negatiive and they actually calm down any negative thought patterns and my impulses towards thrill seeking that come from my BPD more than anythiing else. The sertraline took my happy Highs away and let them be replaced by the reckless and Joyless things BPD made me seek and act on impulsively which was always sex with girls in bars etc and that was real risky for STDs and just the chance of her being immoral or criminally inclined. Heres what I did. I never took them again and after carefully coming off them which you must always do at least gradually upto a week before trying something else so you dont get caught In a black hole of nothing in your system which doesnt end well. Im now on Mirtazapine purely for the anxiety side of things and you take them at night and sleep well. Most other meds for anxiety you take in the morning as they can harm your sleep or just because you need them to get through the day. Im still able to have healthy periods of elevation sometimes and can stay up and get things done longer and also if Im abit too high the Mirtazapine just kicks in and I still sleep. One problem....weight gain. They will make you fat even if you can eat like pig and then still be slim.

I hope you make the best decision for yourself but dont wait for the Sertaline to kick should take 4 weeks and you shouldnt be getting such nasty side effects. Let me know how you get on.

The Bard of Britain

Lizzypink profile image

Hi, I really do need to stop, as I’m back to square one. Yes more toilet runs again and nasty headaches, I’ve lost to much weight,. This is the thing, they tell you to keep waiting it out, but for how long? I felt ok after the nightmare 2 weeks then each week up and down now worse again. I really need something to keep the anxiety away, not make it worse! I’m glad you were able to stop them and switch to something more suitable, I’m really worried about tapering off mine. I could do with eating like a pig at the moment, as I’ve lost my appetite again. Thanks so much!

Appreciate your reply and advice. X

Jods25 profile image
Jods25 in reply to Lizzypink

Hi btw my docter let me switch straight away from Sertraline to Mirtazapine. I have always been a terrible sleeper and now i have the best nights sleep ever in my life. Also my appetite came back straight away, i missed wanting food. I have heard to expect weight gain, but i would rather be happy and heavier, than not want to eat. Also a lot of my over thinking and anxiety has calmed down since the switch. Sertraline was the worse feeling of my life, im not exagerating. Im really glad i switched.

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Jods25

Hi, made up for you, it sounds much better than sertraline, and right now I really do need to eat more but can’t. I have some decisions to make when the doctor rings me, think I’m just really sensitive to medication. My anxiety was so bad I first started out on diazapham which really does take away anxiety and the panic attacks, but doctors will only prescribe short term.

Good luck for the future!

Missrob profile image

Hi Lizzypink

I've just been reading through all the above and was wondering how you are doing now?

I hope you're in a better place

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Missrob

Hi! I’m doing ok thanks, it has been a long painful road tho. I got there in the end, not 100% me, but coping so much better. I still have little set backs and off days, but found I’m better with out medication, using propanalol low dose now and then.

How are you? X

Missrob profile image

Well I've been on Sertraline now for about 11 weeks and am still experiencing all the side effects you mentioned in your original posts. I was so determined to keep at it as I'd read lots of reviews that said it would be so worth it if you could bear with the side effects, but I'm thinking 11weeks is long enough lol I have a phone consultation with my Dr on Friday so fingers crossed xxx

Take care and look after yourself

Lizzypink profile image
Lizzypink in reply to Missrob

I really hope you get the answers you need! But I think only you really no how they make you feel, and after 11 weeks, I do think they should be helping. I got the same advice from the doctor, give it more time, but sorry I’d had enough, some it agrees with others not. For me I felt to many side effects, Nearly 7 weeks in, I made the decision to taper off. The propanalol I take is only 10mg that helped better, I’m now on 5mg every other day. It controlled the anxiety much better, sertraline made me more anxious.

Good luck, and stay strong,

Have you tried CBT, online? I swear that was my medicine, it was called silver cloud- it saved me! 😘X

Missrob profile image

Thanks I will look it up xx

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