I don’t feel like living I am suicidal and I hate everyone around me even my husband I don’t understand anything if anyone explains me anything I am very stubborn I am not able to accept my life the way it is I stay in a fantasy world and I hate doing any work I a always sad
I am mentally ill and can’t control it - Mental Health Sup...
I am mentally ill and can’t control it
I'm sorry you feel like this. But dont worry you're not alone <3
What to do I just don’t feel like living at all whenever I am with anyone I hate anyone talking
Make an appointment with your GP, make a list of your problems so you do not forget anything. Let us know how you get on
What is GP
General Practitioner, basically your doctor.
My doc tells me that I have to do my own
I am in the UK a GP is your family Doctor, Consider your own needs and expectation if you need to take advice regards your health no-one else can know how intense your needs are, you need to talk to someone who can help you get well and place you on a relevant pathway to help you.
If you need to change your Doctor I suppose you have that choice and family members need to understand your needs and expectations. In India Society in general is completely different however if they are controlling and toxic that needs to be approached and sorted out.
Are you able to walk away possibly to your own family home or any places of safety in other areas that can help ?
I myself don’t know what I want sometimes I want to leave this house sometimes I can’t there is so much confusion and all day I am thinking this
I need someone to talk to
Change your doctor. A different doctor may help you feel more comfortable talking you through your problems. You can see a different one in same practice if it's easier. Hope that helps.
I’m sorry you feel this way. Do you have someone who you can talk to? Or a therapist?
I feel for you. Sometimes depression manifests as frustration and animosity with the people around us. Sometimes it's the people around us that are the problem. It doesn't sound like you've figured out which? Of course, I'm not on here much and don't know your story. Your welcome to send me a message if you'd like to chat.
My depression and anger is expressed as short-temperedness and anger at people. This kills me because I'm actually a very compassionate and empathetic person, so on top of it, I carry an unbelievable amount of guilt. Therapists never helped and the meds always made me more confused and ill-tempered.
I have an appointment to start with a new therapist tomorrow. Sometimes all we can do is keep trying. I've been at the point so many times that I just want to end it all. But I feel like that's not a feasible option until I know I've tried everything there is to try, and I haven't come close yet. We only get one chance at this.
So I promised myself I'd exhaust all my resources before I made such a huge decision I can't take back. After all, if you're suicidal, does it really matter if you wait another 6 months? Another year? The option will always be there. The last thing I want is to be in my last moments of life and realize there's more I could have done to change my circumstances, and it be too late.
We have people coming to our mental health cafe, who can describe their lives in very similar terms. It is often the case that a few visits, giving them time to talk to others who are going through comparable experiences, and offloading the pressures they are going through, starts a process of self acceptance and a deeper insight into the triggers that cause such desperate thought patterns. Do you have any support networks in your area? It’s a big step to take, but one that might just give you the outlet you need until you feel stronger to begin accepting more structured, professional help. I hope you find your way through to a better state of mind.
Sorry to hear about you. Have you tried contacting a charity called Minds? Very good and quick to respond. Can refer yourself.
I am in India where is it
Oh I see. Could you search online? Here is a link for another charity across broad spectrum of mental health services unitedgmh.org/mental-health...
I just need someone to talk to and understand
I know how you feel. I think I do. I am in a similar mental situation. I am not married or even have a girlfriend. I am also extremely stubborn and often contemplate suicide. This is a good thing you're reaching out and mentioning it. I cannot offer you any help from my perspective, because my mind is broken down. But I can tell you - from one consciousness to another - that we should not stop fighting. Hold on, you have to.