Hi havent been on here for while i am open for any one who needs a freind , i my self feel lost and in pain and cannot sleep
Feel lost and fed up : Hi havent been... - Mental Health Sup...
Feel lost and fed up
i joined this i while ago and once in a while i'll come on here, however there is this feeling of emptiness but pain when i read some of these its like we all are being hindered with these mental illnesses and everyday turns into a never ending pity party and when were alone we deal with the consequence because no one is in my head. Most days on this is just a daily reminder that i am so utterly and devastatingly alone- to the point im walking around in the feeling being so numb and loneliness but i knew i could feel the pain of it all. Because i am in pain.
Physical or Mental Pain ??
I suffer both and I was sent to Pain Clinic to move myself on
Pain can make us feel at such a loss because it is difficult to explain its severity
What is causing your pain ?
Hi i suffer both physical and mental pain have tingling feeling in neck and chronic back ache which wont go away tryed everything really getting to me now .
Paul how long have you had your neck problems
I had scans done of my spine and all the disks are fused or dislocated,
I also suffer crumbling of the spine C1-C7, they are trying B12 to reduce damage on the disks and joints. My problems initially caused by PsA and a severe whiplash injury.
Went through eight months of exercise and manipulation, I feel that the latter just made matters worse.
My further problem is nerve and tendon damage that radiates into my jaw and head.
I use Tens and various medications to reduce swelling and pain throughout my Body.
Hi it started in my right shoulder ive had decompresion surgury , and have now got burning feel consently in elbow and wrist and in back and funny feeling under my right arm pit area ,damage nerves i think but cannot get to bottom of it driving me mad and the problem in the world at present isnt helping hope u are doing ok .
We are fine, Talk to your GP Amytryptalene may help with nerve damage it helps me. You only need a minimum dose and it does help with those type of feelings.