I don’t know what it is today but I just feel sad. Nothing exactly happened to make me feel this way I just do. I want to just sit in a room alone in the dark and just cry. What frustrates me is I don’t know why. Why do I get these random feelings? Why is it some days it takes all of my will power to get out of bed and fake a smile? The worse thing is that I work in a field where I have to interact with people all day.
I just Don’t understand : I don’t know... - Mental Health Sup...
I just Don’t understand
I go through episodes like this too sometimes, more recently as I near old age living alone.
I can't imagine the amount of energy it must take for you to work in a field interacting with people all day. Do you feel it affects the quality of your work? It's been so long since I've been able to work. Does the sadness lessen or go away at any time during your day?
It does make my day more stressful, Having to fake a smile. The sadness at times will fade slightly, but then there’s days I have to go to the bathroom and cry.
Sometimes our bodies just need that time to sit,cry,be sad.
I, myself turn to funny movies or comedians.
Suggestion.. may not be xmas but "Elf" always cracks me up/any time of year and makes me think.. "why cant I have a life like "Buddy ELF", lol I love sweets, love the cold,love his outfit and with all my med issues I could probably make a darn good cup of hot cocoa for everyone working hard making the toys for xmas. lol
That could be why you feel that way...having to interact with people, day in and day out, can be very demanding and exhausting...even if it doesn't feel that way, most of the time.
You have to take a little time, just by yourself, to shut down and recharge...even if it's in a dark, quiet room...you are trying to rid yourself of "toxins" that you pick up, from others' attitudes/energies/vibrations, whatever...they probably get the same from you, too, or from others...I am pretty convinced that we are all just bags of electrons, sort of "zip locked" into a baggie of living tissues...how we go from there requires all of our attention to energy levels, in ourselves.
Give yourself some time to renew...if you are feeling that is getting harder and harder to do, then maybe your work is not giving you what you need, any more...or, you need to add something to your everyday schedule that allows for "just you."
You are worth this, so don't forget...barring disasters and other emergencies in life, we can't help others, unless we maintain ourselves, first...
Blessings, always!!
I agree, you need to take time in the day for you and you alone. I work in a very pressured environment with a large team under me, some of which are extremely demanding and emotionally draining on my soul. I don’t mean that nastily and I always give them the time, positivity and attention they require HOWEVER I also had to admit to myself that in doing this it drains something out of me. I have massive low points where I cry and have cried secretly in the toilets at work whilst not understanding why until I took a step back and gave myself some mental recovery time within each day.
Don’t feel that you “shouldn’t” have this time, all of us need to recharge ourselves.
Coming on to this platform and sharing how you feel is great step forward. If you are finding yourself more and more unable to get up and fake your smile, can I suggest speaking to a GP or a counsellor to get professional support on this?