So anyone wanna explain this moving on theory about giving it time and what not? It's about time being the greatest healer or is it really ? Where did I go wrong in life you know. The world so cruel, are people really so cruel?
Where do I go now?: So anyone wanna... - Mental Health Sup...
Where do I go now?
You go forward, there is no time for the cruel people around you. The theory on time is that it heals all. Like one time, during a drunken moment, I left my friend three hours away in a different city because I wasn't in the right mind and was angry with him. Today, almost a decade later, I still apologize for this and he keeps telling me, "It's water under the bridge." We all make mistakes, some really bad, but with time they begin to fade a bit. Time is a healer, but sometimes the healing that needs to be done takes quite a bit of time....and it depends if you've atoned or someone else has for their actions in the correct way.
People can be cruel because they have their own agenda. I don't necessarily know how to address other than, it's just how some people are. The main idea is to not focus on them....focus on the positive. Focus on the good people. There are many, and I find more of them than the cruel. The cruel people, like anything unhelpful, goes to the side, away from our focus.
This is sort of a very broad post to try to tackle, but this is my best answer, I think. Keep going forward, going backwards goes nowhere and going too far ahead can make you miss some things. Let time heal....and let that person heal. The clock in each person is different. And avoid the cruel, unhelpful folks who just have no intention on being anything but cruel. Keep an optimistic, positive attitude because becoming the opposition to this way of thinking just makes you more like those cruel people. I hope all is well and you see that there is hope out there. Please take care and feel free to post more for support. We're always here.
Great reply Veritas x
Thank you so much I guess I'm just broken right now and pretty much fed up a bit with life and people just disappointing me it's best I just give up and be done with it all. It's so hard to get back up again and do everything over I waste so much time already I feel so lost and everything I just wanna be happy again but I fear that me being happy would have to wait cause the world today is a scary place since we don't know someone's true intentions with you. People just use and abuse you and I don't know how to let go it's just there and I can't it's like I wanted this so bad yet it broke me to pieces and now I'm just shattered.
I love this brilliant reply. It has helped me too! Thank you.
I aware but is like I'm scared to just just move forward I'm scared that I mightn't get a chance like this again
In my experience, when someone is quick to imply someone is cruel, they themselves are usually the problem. Seeing yourself as a victim is something that I think we all struggle with and sometimes this behavior may make you develop a everyone vs me mentality. You are not a damsel in distress ( as my mother always told my sister) help make your situation better don’t wait for someone to change, be the change.
When people are cruel ,and they can be, it usually has more to do with them and their pain. That doesn't make it less hurtful but it keeps you from taking on the responsibility of it.You have to distance yourself from toxic people. I think most of us have to learn to deal with people like this. When you find people who are good to you keep them in your life and cherish them. Pam
I had someone good but I screwed up big time and now I don't know what to do
If that person is no longer available look for another good kind one. I think there are plenty around they don't flash around though.
That's the thing though I don't want anyone else but them you know and I hate that because I'm afraid they gave up while I'm still willing to try. An now I don't even know how to tell them that since they walked away. Maybe I'm mean't yo be alone who knows
There are people in this world who will love you and treat you well. Cut your losses and move on.
I feel like I can't I feel so stuck and like I can't go on. My days are so different and hard now.
Sometimes we move forward one step at a time. A minute at a time can lead to 10 minutes and so on . I think therapy made a difference to me and helped me get back on track. There is success for you, but you have to initiate it.
I'm so scared now I hate feeling like this. I'm really sorry to be a downer I just feel so broken.
I'm sorry you are scared, that's a miserable way to feel. If you can go ahead with your life even though you don't feel like it eventually those feelings will go away..
That's the thing I don't know if I'd move ahead in life I feel stuck and broken. I feel I can't move forward and it sucks cause I hate not being happy normally I'm a jolly person and now I'm just broken. I don't know how to move forward. I can't believe people just leave you like this. What's wrong with the world today you know.