Good evening,and thank you forbtaking the time to read my post.
I just need a little bit of advice really, and would like it from people who have been in yhe same situation as myself.
My mum 8s currently going through a schizophrenic episode, not the first, this has been on and off for 20 years but on its way to becoming the worst. She recently discharged herself from a mental home (beginning of November) after spending all of last year with paranoia and voices and the usual symptoms. Took us a long time to get here in there and was finally admitted in Spetember.
I could see that it was working, albeit slowly but my mum thought they was deliberatly poisoning her so discharged herself. Mum was then offered support workers at home twice a day, this lasted for around a month until she cancelled them as she thought they were stealing.
Because of this now I fear she is now in a situation where she has refused all help, no one will offer more. She has said she would like to move home, as she is currently living in the old family home of 30 years, on her own rattling around in a 4 bed house, but I am unsure where to start with this? I believe the house is half the problem.
She is 63, chain smoker, refuses to leave the house and delusional and I believe she is starting to hallucinate, she believes everyone is out to con her and are watching her.
I just need advice and what stop to take next.