I’ve been suffering with long term depression since I where 11 years old I just need the help I can get
Hi : I’ve been suffering with long term... - Mental Health Sup...

That is a very long struggle you have identified, jadeleanne24071996. What sort of supports have been available to you along the way?
There are some excellent resources under "Pinned Posts" that might be helpful until you find the help you are looking for.
This is a wonderfully supportive community of people like yourself who are struggling in some way themselves and we offer our experience, strength and hope to one another in order to encourage one another.
How can we help you, if you had problems as a child you should approach your GP and discuss how to proceed, there are various ways of sorting this and if you need to initially discuss the problem here, we can listen and possibly some members will be able to relate.
I went through a rough time as a child, and yes it will transmit down the line into your adulthood. Parents do bring their own baggage into their relationships, sometimes this is picked up from their Parents. The problem can move down the generations
Hi Jade, I understand as I too have had long term depression for the past 5 years. I know how difficult it can be as you feel that things are not going to get better - but they will. After receiving treatment I am coping so much better and although I still feel depressed at times it doesn’t affect me as much as it use to.
Please if you haven’t already go and see your doctor and they will be able to start your treatment. If you are still at school, they may have a school councillor - which I found very helpful with recovery.
Hi jadeleanne24071996 and thank you for your post. As other members have posted, this is a very supportive community where members offer help and support. It would be a good idea for you to make an appointment to see your GP. He/she will be able to support you and refer you for appropriate help and support if this is needed. If you are still in full time education, your school/college counselling/Pastoral service would be able to help you.The Pinned Posts ate also a good source of information and support. If you are in the UK, you may find the following websites useful---
Please stay on the forum so that you can receive help and support from other members. Are any other members able to help jadeleanne24071996, please?
Thank you and best wishes.
Are u seeing a doctor? Are u seeking counseling let us know plz write back soon ok cheers i know how it feels thier is help 4 u !!!