Hi Guys and girls, just a query, suffering with depression, mental health issues has anyone suffered issues involving money, like lack of more than usual etc, overspending
hi: Hi Guys and girls, just a query... - Mental Health Sup...
Yes I have
Can be caused by a mania or standard impulsive actions to make us feel better when low
I suppose you may not remember what you have done
is there anywhere recommended that can help deal with money issues

I would think anything that deals with impulse behavior. I wonder if Gamblers Anonymous would be a solution ?

Money Saving Expert website is the best source of info that I know of, for all things financial. There's even some stuff on there about mental health and debt. I'll see if I can find it and do a link.

Durham financial services help with money problems, also Christians against poverty.
HiPhil176Uk, with both depression and o erspending, I wonder if you have other problems with impulse control? I'm not a psychiatrist or anything, but it sounds like my symptoms. I'm bipolar. I don't have any ideas to help with money issues. Keep in touch with us, Nessie 237