Accused of stealing as a waiter, ment... - Mental Health Sup...

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Accused of stealing as a waiter, mental health hasn't been great!

leeleo27 profile image
6 Replies

Hi there,

Haven't posted for awhe as I did have a mental breakdown about 1'5 years ago and just left everything, so here goes I've been employed at a hospitality company "a big name" I have been accused of using discount vouchers to pocket customers money for my self .. which is not the case. I have been under allot of stress at work and had the roughest year to say the least, I've asked my managers at work if they could get in touch with a councilor but have said yes but nothing has come of it, this is four separate occasions through the year I've asked and no response.

Anyway I had some one from the audit department interview me and indirectly accused me said if I did it he could help, I was in shock and literally couldn't speak, he showed me the numerous transactions which mounted to 32 guests, and I calculated the amount to £500, now to me that's allot of money, any way I've been suspended and being investigated.

Now I had my hearing with literally the recording and the audit information but a statement in my evidence pack saying their was 3 out of the 32 transactions that got back to him and said they never gave me a discount.. but I have never seen the statements he verbally told me... At my hearing I explained the process of how we do payments, and the lady said why does my recording say different ... Now I had also said that I suffer with mental health and that my deppression and anxiety has gone through the roof from this and that stealing is not who I am.. now I have to write a grievance letter about asking for help and how I've been through the year, now I love my job and the people I work with but I'm not a thief .. they have no hard evidence of this accusation and I'm fighting for my life, is there anyone who can help me as I'm stuck in limbo and it's been nearly 3 weeks now

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leeleo27 profile image
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6 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi how awful for you and I do emphasize as I have been in this situation myself and it's not good is it. You know you haven't stolen so hold fast to that.

Why not seek out a local solicitor (many give a free half hour advice) and ask their opinion.

I hope you can get it sorted. x

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi leeleo27,

So sorry you are going through all this. I agree with hypercat that you need to get some legal advice and possibly union representation. This is outside our remit as a peer support forum. It is not clear from your profile which country you live in. In the UK it is possible to get free legal aide. The Citizens Advcie Bureau (CAB) would be a good first point of call to explain your situation and who may be have a list of solicitors (lawyers but not barristers, we have a tiered system of legal qualifications in UK) who could advice. Gather as much evidence as you can, write down the impact this stressful time has had on your mental and physical health. Ask your doctor/Health professional for supporting report. You cannot fight this on your own, you need professional help.

Citizens Advice Bureau:

Legal aid - Government UK website:

The Law Society - Legal aid:

If you don't live in UK there must be equivalent services where you live.

Hope this helps,

Best wishes and let us know how you get on.

MAS Nurse and Moderator

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to MAS_Nurse

The member has said in their bio that they live in the UK which is why I gave them this advice. x

leeleo27 profile image
leeleo27 in reply to hypercat54

Thanks to both yeah I'm gonna call tomorrow 😁

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to leeleo27

Good. Let me know how you get on. x

6ixtyon1 profile image

Been there; was informed the boss took $ out of the till "for lunch" & didn't tell his wife, the co-owner, who used to accuse all of us--esp. the newbies, like me--of "stealing." Well, this older employee set me straight on what was really happening...even though the boss had sort of dared her to tell anyone (she was moving along, soon, into her chosen profession: dental hygeine); she took pity on me, as she saw how tormented I was...I had to take this job, to qualify for state school funding, and I COULD NOT AFFORD TO BE FIRED.

Well, I got through it...and, to be honest, I've never had a till come out even, any place I've worked...could be dishonest co-workers/bosses, or aliens from space.

Your case, though, is more serious...can you try to find legal aid, esp. for lower incomes, if price is a problem? Do you belong to a union, and can a rep. help you?

I am praying that the guilty source comes to light, very do not deserve this stain on your hard work! Blessings!

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