Now, I'm new here, so as always, I'm probably not doing this right. Bear with me, but I need some advice from someone who is not as incompetent as me.
All my life I've lived in a haze. I mostly attribute this to my autism spectrum disorders and autistic tendencies. Up until a couple years ago, coincidentally when my depression started, I sort of stepped out of this autopilot. Even more recently, though, I realized just how grandiose my hopelessness is.
I realized that I have no talents, skills, reasonable attributes, hobbies, individuality, or competence in anything except self-hatred. I realized this earlier today, and after some subsequent google searches, I found this place.
This obvious truth came into true fruition when, as most days, I wasted away in front of my TV playing video games. I had just lost to an equally talentless individual (no shade here) and was seriously questioning myself. The video game wasn't the cause, this had been a long time coming. I recalled the duel in the shower later, after thoroughly berating myself for being a dunce, I realized that in the game I had always been decent at, I had been seriously lacking. My movements were repetitive and predictable, even though I played a character that was wholly over-powered at my skill level, I had lost to someone who was abusing the easiest of playstyles to defeat. I lost, and after some horrendous sportsmanship on my Opponent's behalf, I promptly stopped playing as it was late. I then thought up the notion that I was a talentless hack with no redeemable qualities. I mulled over every possible thing I had pursued, and realized that I was completely clueless in all. Every hobby I ever tried to follow was snuffed by my mental disorders and physical incapability. I had drawn, my coordination was and always will be too bad for that, not mentioning my entire lack of focus or drive. I had written, something about my apparent alexythemia and depression drastically suppressed my creativity, so that all my work was just a hollow shell lacking nuance or originality.
I have and will always have nothing. Even suicide feels like a broken record because even if there is an after life, I would still be the same hopeless wad as I would be other wise. I see people forging fantasy weapons, drawing masterpieces on a whim, creating entire world of nuance and interesting plots, and even if they don't do that, they always have something. A way with words that is hilarious, an incredible nack at games I enjoy, self made wealth allowing th to do things that to me seem unreal.
And here I am. Not even average. Socially incompetent in all senses of the word. Physically incapable to an almost impressive amount. I'm not fat, but I'm not skinny. I'm not dull, but I am certainly not sharp. I am not emotionless, but I am not an emotional person.
Blah blah blah you get it. I just feel that all efforts will be for naught. I feel like some outside help is needed, but if you think I'm a lost cause, I don't blame you.