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Crying can cleanse the soul

Krazie profile image
12 Replies

I can't seem to stop crying. It is official. My grandson will be held by the state.

Based on lies and vapors.

Today is Thanksgiving. I can't stop crying long enough to do anything else. People have been so sweet. They have been bringing food and goodies all day. Isn't that what is done when somebody dies?? My grandson is still living and breathing, and caught up in an evil system. He is so precious to me.

Still, I can look around and see the many blessings that have been bestowed upon me. I am so grateful to God for always being with me. Even when I stumbled, and couldn't get up for the longest time. And now, I look around my house. I have a very nice roof over my head; i am warm and cosy; people love and care about me, so I am not alone; I can see the green grass still peeking up through the snow (a light sprinkle); I can hear the things I need to hear, and some I don't need to hear; I have all my limbs and body parts, so I can walk, and take care of myself; I am able to get the things I need; miracles happen. I am so blessed. I don't know what I would do if the good Lord weren't by my side.

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Krazie profile image
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12 Replies
sweetiepye profile image

I remember your previous post. Do you mean he is in juvy or that some agency has custody of him? Are you able to see him and how long does this last ? You know God will provide an answer in his time. Pam

Hello Krazie

Happy Thanksgiving, I suppose where you are in the States the celebrations now be over. I understand Turkey is the main dish at this time in the States.

What do you have at Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year ??

Many in the West have a comfortable life however there is a selection of people with many concerns still struggle to gain the very basics of life, their expectations can be so minimal.

Yes like you I am very lucky here, generally we can live up to our own expectations however small

I remember various posts from you, What is the situation with your Grandson at this time. Many here will help and give you support to you on what seems to be a very upsetting place.


Krazie profile image
Krazie in reply to

Thank for your well wishes, BOB. Yes, turkey is the main dish. It is in honor of the first pilgrims who settled here. Wild turkeys were in abundance back then, so when the local natives (who saved the pilgrims from starvation), and the pilgrims got together for a celebration of thanks, turkey was a main item. Or so the story goes.

The comfortable life we have in the West is rapidly sinking. Too many are living paycheck to paycheck. Just one emergency can put them on the street. There are tens of thousands living in tent cities, or out in the open, on the street. This includes children, too. Maybe hundreds of thousands. I don't think we get an accurate figure. Many more are forced to live in hovels, because rents are so high. No, the 'good life' has evaporated for far too many. Most of the middle class has become lower class. Even the wealthy are not immune, as many are losing their wealth, by various means. Wages have been stagnant for 50 years, and yet the prices of goods continues to escalate.

Many people here in the states are continuing to keep their heads in the sand. Or maybe working 2-3 jobs just to survive takes everything out of them.

Don't be fooled. The old United States no longer exists.

in reply to Krazie

i have been watching the American News and as you say your world in the States seem to be in one horrible mess. I would hate to consider the best way forward.

In the UK with Brexit I feel the Government has lost its way and is now pressurized to forget about the change by the other European States who now seem to want a European State that they can control in one large country.

I am sorry regards the mess you find yourself in over the Pond, I do not understand your System in the States, it becomes hard to advice what you can do.

However we are here to give support


Krazie profile image
Krazie in reply to

Bless you, BOB. Your support means everything to me. By the way, consider what main stream media (CBS,NBC,MSNBC,FOX, ect) has to say with skepticism. They are owned by mega-corporations and only report what they want us to know. Or as a means of manipulation. The alternative news sites are being eliminated one by one. Those that are left are very cautious in their reporting. So the truth is harder to come by.

in reply to Krazie

Thank you Krazie

We do not watch the mainstream news in the USA I have learned too watch your Alternative news channels. However, sometimes I watch Hannity etc on Fox.

Your news like here is being massaged and as you say , on You Tube sites like Info wars, I now get sent each day, to name just one of several. We even take our National News channels the same.

You take care


Faithfull profile image

I'm crying with you as I no only to well as Blossom was taken from me at 5 the court ruled 12months on Ritalin parent classes joke already had 4 teenagers,then the rest is history she is 17 has a baby abused in care wants to see her father who is been done for statory rape on me dither daughter B I never new I was with him 9months start to finish. So all the lies the social services even me other daughter Belle we got her out of care in Belles care and belle would not let her see me broke all the rules I never I no I've gone on about me but I feel you are a wonderful person strong and I'm here for u xx

Krazie profile image
Krazie in reply to Faithfull

Faithfull, thank you for your lovely comments. They mean so mean to me.

You and I recognize the unending torment that comes from having our children taken by an unloving, uncaring state agency. We understand the

impossible to meet expectations placed on parents to get our kids back. My daughter has to leave her boyfriend as part of the condition to get her son back. That seems easy enough, but when you factor in having to maintain a full time job, while attending all of their required meetings and appointments during work hours - well my question is - how does one split oneself to be in two places at the same time? Does anyone have an answer to that? It seems these impossible to meet expectations are deliberately designed for failure.. Then the state gets to keep the kids because the parent 'did not comply'. No one, as far as I can tell is addressing this absurd expectation.

These people are the criminals and need to be prosecuted. Yet, even the lawyers seem afraid of them. What is really going on here?

Krazie profile image

Well, here I am, crying again. Tears of happiness, and thankfulness from all of your wonderful, heartwarming responses.

Sweetiepye, my grandson is not in juvy; he has done nothing wrong. The state agency that calls themselves the protectors of children has him. Because of allegations of abuse by my daughter's boyfriend. The very strange part of this, is the boyfriend has not been charged, but my daughter has been accused, and charged with life long emotional abuse of my grandson. There is not a shred of proof, nor will there ever be, because it never happened. The state psychologist who tested my grandson claims the Pervasive Developmental Delay that she found on her testing is because of the unproveable abuse. My grandson was diagnosed a few years ago with Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD), which was on the Autism spectrum, at the time. The testing was conducted by a panel of doctors and PHD's in various disciplines at a respected university. With the new DSM5, the PDD diagnosis never longer exists, but has been rolled into the Autism Spectrum. And yet, this psychologist calls it 'other' PDD. This diagnosis does not exist. She claims he never had autism. She claims to know more than an entire panel of professionals. In the meantime, my grandson's condition is failing. He broke a doorknob, and his social worker is calling him violent (My grandson is not violent). It is just another indication of how he is in decline. The social worker is placing my grandson in a facility for emotional and behavior disordered boys. It has a level system that my grandson will likely not understand, and so not be able to complete. He will also likely become a target for the other boys.

I have come to realize that state agencies are evil and have an agenda that is not fully understood by the public.

Even hired lawyers advise to sit back and do nothing but what we are told by the state. The fact they have made up a long list of fabrications that cannot be substantiated has no bearing. We are told our only hope is to make them like us (?????). I tried to get custody, but the state kept throwing up roadblocks, and excuses. All of which I was able to soundly refute. There is an oversight agency that looks into abuses by child state agencies, but when questions they admit they have no teeth to do anything but advise of the breaking of state regulations.

Based on my experience, I would advise against getting involved with so-called state child protection agencies. If they come knocking on your door, do not let them in. Step outside and close the door. Do not answer even the most innocent sounding questions, as it can be turned against you. It is not a far stretch to take your children and leave the state right away. Before they have a chance to bring police to your door and take your children by force.


What has gone wrong in the States, I have been reading some very disturbing reports what is going on. I understand so much is going on your country is becoming split and disjointed by corruption, has above anything to do with that ?

All seems quite frightening for families,


Krazie profile image
Krazie in reply to

Yes, BOB, when your own family is dragged in, it becomes beyond scary. it becomes as if living in a horror movie.

What has gone wrong in my beloved country? The evil and the corrupt have wormed their in. They exist on all levels of government. Every one. You either go along with the agenda they outline for you, or you will be squashed like a bug. Witness the persecution of Jerome Corsi - one of the few good guys left with the guts to stand up for what he believes. He is about to be squashed for his honor code, his personal ethics, and his bravery. I have a long list of brave people who are now dead. Ruled 'suicide', 'tragic accident', sudden death from a previously 'unknown health condition', a few have been found murdered, and it was reported that way. We were warned, beginning with the close of WW2. Most didn't listen, not even as the brave fell right and left. Can you believe, there are many who keep their ears closed? The ramifications of what is going on is too horrible to consider. The Bible tells us that the U.S. (called Babylon in the Bible) will not stand. But then, if I may offer an opinion, it doesn't need to stand - it will crumple under the weight of it's own wickedness.

It is not just families. Every individual in this country is at risk. just try not to fall under their radar.

5g towers are going up everywhere. Look them up, and see what they are about. I don't want to add to an already too long post.

I know that many on this website are not with God. I implore you to take a another look. At the risk of sounding like another whack job, your salvation is near, just reach out.

But isn't Great Britain an extension of the U.S., as is all of the other 'western' nations?

The British consider they live in a Free Society, they I feel are asleep, This goes back to the eighties,, Things went pear shaped in some instances during the mid/late sixties. This is culminating now with the European Union and a Complete EU State where countries will be run by a central government, we lose the right to govern our own country.

We cannot get over names in USA and the evil that seems to permeate through your country, I do feel those around the World will WALK, especially in America.

Here if needed BOB

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