I would like to be able to have a job that uses my skills. But I end up having jobs that pretty soon a robot will be able to do. I don't make enough money to live on. I have to live with my mother and she is 85 years old. What happens when she dies and I have no retirement set up? I don't see how I can get a better job when it takes all my energy just to go to a part-time job. I have to come home and go to bed because I am so exhausted. I have fibromyalgia and other things going on. I can't do most jobs because of the stuff that is wrong with me. I have to have a job where I can move around. Most jobs are all sitting or all standing. I can't have a job delivering stuff or something because I cannot sit that much. I could not work shelving books at a library because that is too physical. Because of the second car accident that I was in in 5 years, I can't work 5 days in a row
The department of vocational rehab (DVR) is supposed to be helping me find a job. Then once you get a job, they are supposed to help you for 90 days to make sure you can keep it. I was able to get a job, but I was told the company is going to go bankrupt. even though dvr knows that I am going to lose this job because the company is going bankrupt, they are not going to help me find another one. I know they are just going to close my case. I haven't been told this officially yet. I have asked them repeatedly in emails are they are just going to close my case and they don't respond. I won't be able to get back into DVR because I will be put on a waiting list. They feel that I do not need help finding a job... even though it took me over a year to find one with their help. The company is not going to terminate me until several months from now when DVR will not be helping me anymore.
I would feel better if I felt I had some actual chance for a future. DVR does not think I need more education. But I am only a high-school graduate.
I am 54 years old with no retirement or pension or anything. I have to live with my mother. What happens when she dies?
The reason that people become suicidal is they feel trapped. I see no way where my situation will ever get better