I feel like i dont have an option but to give up completely I can't find a job because when i go to an interview they talk down to me treat me like a child because i look like one.. and it's so hard to find a job anyways but they are obviously going to choose someone who looks older because they look more responsible.. i have tried everything to get a job but i just can't I don't even know how to socialise properly either (i had a messed up childhood) which doesn't help i don't do anything that a normal adult human should be able to do and now everyday is going by slower and slower with no distractions its like emotional torture when you don't have anything or anybody in your life worth living for the world is a boring lonely place and i feel completely shut out because i tried so hard to get a life but it's impossible... that's why my only option is to end my life
I feel like i dont have an opt... - Mental Health Sup...
I feel like i dont have an opt...
What about trying to find some voluntary work whilst you're looking for a job? It looks good on your CV and will keep you're mind occupied and give you purpose. Taking your own life will leave behind a lot of heartbroken people.
Have you been to the doctors to tell them how you are feeling and get some support?
L x
Yeah i have done a lot of voluntary work and i still do in a charity shop but that doesn't change anything
I have thought about that and the family members i was closet to i have pushed them away to make it easier but i honestly i have put off doing this for years because of family but i just cant cope anymore this is a life not worth living
i went to the doctors they gave me anti depressants and a hotline and that was all they can do

Hi dear.
When i told the doctor I want to die I was put on antidepressants but also had my GP call every day until I got a referral for a counsellor which helped me lots with the meds.
Surely each country is different but doesn't matter as there is always help.
U r here on this site and that's a start...
Stay strong and positive. I will suggest to take your meds also. It takes few weeks for it to start working properly.
Never give up as u r not alone. Maybe tell us more to what kind of job u look for and which country so people on here can give suggestions?
i take anti depressants i have done since i was 13 in my early teens I received some counselling but it wasn't of any use i was struggling with my identity at the time (i am transgender) they just blamed that on my parents
You need to go back to your doctor and stress to them how much you are suffering and that your antidepressants aren't helping, maybe it is time for a change of medication. I also think revisiting the counselling may be worth while as now you are a bit older and lived longer with your identity you may be able to understand more and gain more from counselling. Medications are great at helping us but they don't get rid of the initial problem that started off our depression.
L x
Have you managed to come to terms with your sexuality, that may be holding you back.
You really need to try Jesus. What do you have to lose? I dont mean go to any random church but, getting a bible and readin it. Acceptibg Him i n your heart. you also need to get to a doctor that can help you.