So last week, I posted on here about my depression and how that makes it hard for me to get to worm on time. There are four managers where I work. One general manager and three assistant managers. I work with an assistant manager and she gets mad at me all the time for being late. Like I said before, I tried telling her about my depression and how that makes it hard for me to get out of bed, but she still gets mad. I know that people here advised me against talking,to her about it again, but before reading their advice, I went to the general manager and told him about my situation. He told me that he understood and to just try my best to get to work on time. He decided not to talk with my assistant manager about it. But last night, I was late and she got mad at me again and she said that she can't work with me anymore. This means she might request that I work other shifts other than her own. I have gotten better about being on time. I used to be hours late, but now I've gotten down to like 30 minutes. I just don't know what else to do. Maybe she (my assistant manager) forgot that my depression is making it hard for me to l get out of bed since i told her of my situation last summer. Maybe I can request that my general manager talk to my assistant manager? I dont know.
Ps: My general manager is the man and my assistant manager is the woman.