I'm currently off sick with stress. Been signed off of two weeks. It's the first time I ever have.
I'm really nervous about going back as the reason I'm off was because of bullying from one of the managers.
He had been in a foul mood all day, and on the close down shift seemed to take it out on me even though I had tried my best to keep out of his way. This got out of hand and he was screaming and shouting at me in front of other colleges and I felt intimidated and humiliated.
I got upset and he shouted even louder and started laughing even as I was trying to walk away from him.
And I went in work the next day to speak to senior management about it and they won't do anything about it. As they said he had done nothing wrong. If it gets the job done then there isn't a problem. They tried to menipulate my words to make it like I was in the wrong. And wouldn't take what I said seriously. They laughed when I said I didn't feel safe working with that manager if I was going to be subjected to that again.
He is known to go off the rails and he is quite an abrupt manager with a very quick temper. But I don't think that's good enough to let him get away with talking to staff like that. Especially when it's very destructive to people he does it too.
My problem is it's totally knocked my confidence to the point I don't want to return to work. My anxiety is through the roof.
My dad emailed head office the night it happened as I called him to come pick me up as I couldn't stop crying. They never got back in touch about it.
I just don't want to go back and and everything kick off again. Not sure what to say when I go back.