Anxiety at work: I'm currently off sick... - Mental Health Sup...

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Anxiety at work

Mel-93 profile image
6 Replies

I'm currently off sick with stress. Been signed off of two weeks. It's the first time I ever have.

I'm really nervous about going back as the reason I'm off was because of bullying from one of the managers.

He had been in a foul mood all day, and on the close down shift seemed to take it out on me even though I had tried my best to keep out of his way. This got out of hand and he was screaming and shouting at me in front of other colleges and I felt intimidated and humiliated.

I got upset and he shouted even louder and started laughing even as I was trying to walk away from him.

And I went in work the next day to speak to senior management about it and they won't do anything about it. As they said he had done nothing wrong. If it gets the job done then there isn't a problem. They tried to menipulate my words to make it like I was in the wrong. And wouldn't take what I said seriously. They laughed when I said I didn't feel safe working with that manager if I was going to be subjected to that again.

He is known to go off the rails and he is quite an abrupt manager with a very quick temper. But I don't think that's good enough to let him get away with talking to staff like that. Especially when it's very destructive to people he does it too.

My problem is it's totally knocked my confidence to the point I don't want to return to work. My anxiety is through the roof.

My dad emailed head office the night it happened as I called him to come pick me up as I couldn't stop crying. They never got back in touch about it.

I just don't want to go back and and everything kick off again. Not sure what to say when I go back.

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Mel-93 profile image
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6 Replies

Hi mate ,

I'm currently suffering from severe depression anxiety and a mood disorder and I am also really struggling with work although not signed myself off as of yet.

Through life you are always going to have to work with idiots like this . He is basically a bully who has nothing good in his life so spends his time trying to bring others down as well. You have no need to be scared of him because he isn't going to do anything to you or he will end up sacked or even a prison sentence. I hate bully's I used to have people try and back me into a corner at work and I just don't let them anymore I think self believe and self respect are more important. Nobody is better than you and nobody has the right to make you feel like this. If the area management won't take action against an abusive bully join a union and get some support and make an official complaint . Failing that I suggest you look elsewhere for work as a company that allows bullying and does nothing about is not a company you should be working for . You are better than that , you can do better and you need to be strong and not take any more from them. Once you get that mind set and they realise your no longer to be walked all over they will back off . And if they don't you know where I am 😊

Mel-93 profile image
Mel-93 in reply to

Thanks for replying. Nice to get someone else's opinion on it as it's been eating at me.

I just wish that we lived in a better world! Work nowadays you have to be an emotionless robot who work ridiculous hours and have no commitments.

And it seems the arseholes are the only people who go far in life. And the nice ones fall behind :/

Hello Mel Welcome

It would seem you have several decisions open to you, You could contact CAB and explain what has happened, they can advise you on a pathway to report this person and that hopefully will let you move on. The other way is to talk with your GP and see if you can have a meeting with a Occupational Therapist, She/He may be able to approach your Employer regards this incident.

You could of course leave it be and if it happens again make light of His anger and try and address the situation in a way, with tact to belittle His mood in front of staff, hopefully that may calm Him or He will give you the sack, then it is back to the Job Centre.

You can always look for a new job.

It may be a good idea to talk to your GP and ask what can be suggested, a Therapist may be the best way forward


blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Mel-93,

I was the victim of workplace bullying too.

You have done the right things by bringing it to management's attention and visiting your doctor.

While things are fresh in your memory make contemporaneous notes about the event involving your bully. Use the 6Ws tool - ◦Who

◦What ◦When



◦How. These questions whose answers are considered basic in information-gathering. They are a formula for getting the complete story on a event or subject.

Start a diary to record everything to do with this incident - phone calls, emails etc.

While you might feel this is a lot to do it is important down the track in trying to resolve the issue and in seeking a legal remedy through workplace health and safety.

When you go back to work, be honest and say that you took time off to recover from the effects of the incident with your manager. If you tell other people straight up they are more likely to be supportive of you in your workplace.

Collect your workplace policies on reporting incidents and using the employee assistance program (EAP) - workplace bullying qualifies as mental health incidents.

Report the incident formally yourself. If you have union membership, let the union rep know what is going on. There may have been more then one complaint about the bully and they could take this up with management as part of industrial relations.

Ross and myself are here for you anytime you need us :)

Busylizzie65 profile image

Hi Mel

What a hideous situation and how cowardly of your bosses not to deal witb the problem head-on. Make notes of what happened, see if you can get statements from witnesses and go straight to your union or human resources. Behaviour like that is totally unacceptable in the workplace. If none of these things are possible then you might, sadly, have to think about looking for another job.

Good luck


Mel-93 profile image

I'm not going back till the 21st I've wrote everything down, dates included. Thanks for the advice, I tried getting in touch with HR but still no reply. I'm going to leave it be since I don't want to cause myself any more grief. But I've got it all documented down so if it happens again I'll have two lots to go against so it proves it's not a one off incident.

I'm just going go to work and try keep out of his way from now on. Just gonna have to toughen up till I can find another job. I've spent this week working on my CV and handing it out. So hopefully I'll find something better soon!

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