I am currently struggling to get out of bed, I haven’t showered in 3 days I barely eat, i feel so alone yet I have such a supportive boyfriend and family. I’m supposed to be at work in the morning but the thought of it makes me feel sick, I’d rather be physically ill than have to leave the house. I am currently taking sertraline and waiting for CBT. I don’t know what else I can do
Depression is taking over my entire life - Mental Health Sup...
Depression is taking over my entire life
Hey, it's good to meet you. Can you identify anything in particular that might have triggered your mood to dip, or is it just one of those things?
My mother passed away 3 years ago which effects me everyday but I’ve never felt this low before, I don’t know what has caused me to feel this bad this time
I'm so sorry to hear this. My Mum died in January 2015 and my mental health has deteriorated so badly since then. I don't think you can ever anticipate or predict how you'll feel or behave after you lose your Mum. Did you ever have counselling?
Hello and so sorry to hear about your depression, which sadly is all too common. It's an illness like any other and needs proper, professional medical treatment and support. In terms of what you can do for yourself, there is no 'quick fix'. Personally, I think it is about taking time out to consider every single aspect of your life, obviously including your mental and physical well-being, but also your diet, your work, your daily routines, your hopes, apirations, fears, hobbies, literally everything, and trying to make small adjustments that will get you to where you want to be. It's a step by step, incremental process but, in my experience, it can and does work. Take care,
Thank you very much for your advice I really appreciate it and I will take those things into consideration