Fed up with my life its depressing feel so useless sitting in electric wheelchair day in day out nothing to live for no cure fadding away no one to talk to just listerning to music 24/7 suicidal thoughts wasting away whats the point carrying on like this
Fed up: Fed up with my life its... - Mental Health Sup...
Fed up
Hi, I'm sorry you're feeling depressed. If you don't mind my asking why are you in a wheelchair?
I have steinerts disease and complex reginol pain syndrome
Sir, I'm sorry you're feeling sad. I had to research Steinerts to try to understand your condition. Surrised to learn how complex it really is.
Do you know there are many support groups for those suffering with
this? Of course everyone is different but someone wrote this: I wish all people would learn not to judge what they can't feel . MD struggles go far beyond what one can see. When you stare or walk away, " that's when we feel the lowest." We are able to cope far better when we know we are loved. It has affected many in my family yet we have remained stong and support each other. I may be in a wheel chair but thank God, my life still has much meaning and self worth!
Sir, maybe such support can benefit you. Feel free to stay here to chat with us. And try this link as well: themighty.com/2015/11/livin... ...also try dearjulianna.com... These letters are written by adults with the diagnosis from all around the world. The stories break false stereotypes, show people thriving and living extraordinarily ordinary lives. This project is sponsored by NMD United, a peer-led association of adults with neuromuscular disabilities that provides resources and support to adults so they can live successful and independent lives in their communities.
Also, a video i found: youtube.com/watch?v=gRV4CSB...
Hope you try these resources because you're not alone. With high hopes and Christian love
I am so sorry you are suffering from such debilitating physical illness and it is bound to affect you mentally. I hope you can chat a bit on here and find friends and support. Are there any support groups in your area for your conditions? Gemma xx
No .much going on here for support doctors just keeping eye on me
Oh that's a shame. It must be so difficult living with these conditions. Mental health conditions are hell too by the way ( I only have mental health issues). I wouldn't wish how I am feeling on anyone as it is truly horrible and terrifying. However physical health issues are so draining. You'll find nice supportive people on here. Are you able to self care or do you have carers come in to help you? x
Sorry you are feeling so low, being disabled is a devil that is hard to beat.
I have been disabled for thirty years and it makes life so very complex. I have managed generally to keep out of a wheelchair, I find them a real pain in the neck and I would generally struggle without them, even though I have one that I prefer not too use.
We are always here to chat if you need some friendly support of a listening ear.
If you feel the need to act on your negative feelings you can call NHS Information Service on Tel 111 They will try and help you . I have problems with my memory and I am unable to remember what I did the day before, I now sad to say live for the day, I find it can be much easier that way.
How do you get around, I feel there is very little support, that is why I come on here.
You will find many good souls who will chat with you.
I push myself to hard and rely on an adapted bungalow to get around, I rely on an adapted car to get around.