So i normally right on the anxiety page as i have severe anxiety. I hav been taking citalopram for this but i know it can cause depression. I have bad days like everyone where i feel shit but today i am super depressed and worried i wont feel okay. Had massive arguments with my boyfriend and hes gone away for the night. I dont know if i trust him and i hate being alone especially as we have a 4 month old baby. Things have been left okay but not sorted and this drives me mad. Im scared im going to loose him and i cant even get off the sofa today. I feel so depressed and down and i dont know what to do
Today is a bad day: So i normally right... - Mental Health Sup...
Today is a bad day

Hi i’m Also taking citalopram and in the mornings in particular I am really low. I’ve only started taking it this week. So I made a deal with myself that I would allow myself the mornings for the low spell, but I would then pick myself up and do something in the afternoon. I have had varying success with this approach this week. I sometimes get my self worked up at the fact that I haven’t done anything all morning and have left myself little time to do things in the afternoon. But other times I manage fine with the time I have given myself. Unfortunately with a young baby I feel for you. But if you feel it is all getting too much don’t be afraid to make sure your baby is safe and take 5 or so minutes to collect yourself. I hope this helps and I hope you feel better soon.
Hi there Hollieedridge and welcome. So today started off badly but there is no reason for it to stay that way is there. Just because the side effects say you may get depression but that doesn't mean you will. Cut yourself some slack and try to think of something that lifts your mood normally or something you like and try and focus on that. Like your baby's smile. Perhaps writing down what you would like to say to your boyfriend - good or bad, he doesn't need to see it and you could rip it up but that may help to relieve your feelings. It's just a thought, you know what makes you tick so use it to your advantage. Perhaps inviting someone over just for a coffee may help too, you never know they may even change your babies nappy for you. Best wishes towards a better day tomorrow.
Thank you i think this may be a good idea when babys asleep and i go to bed. Maybe i could give it to him so i dont have to sit there and say it all. Im at his mums house with her and his sister they are a massive help. Im just low because things havent been great with my bofriend and hes gone away for the night i dont really trust him and im fonding it hard but i love him and want things to work
Introducing a baby into a young man's life is a change that usually needs time to make the adjustment in their lifestyles. All the romantic images of what being a father will be like and the reality of having a tiny helpless person totally depending on you for their well being is a lot to take onboard. If mom and sister are supporting you he may be feeling a bit isolated and hopefully all he needs is a little time to process all these new changes to his life. As mom you have to make sure you are as fit and well as you can be and as a young woman you have a lifetime without anxiety and depression to plan for and you're already doing much better than I was at your age. Hope all goes well 😊
Thank you means a lot x
Hiya. How long have you been on your citalopram if you don't mind me asking?? I am into Day 26 today. 23 days at 10mg and 3 days of 20mg.
Like you I am feeling very low and very anxious at the moment. I need a push by my partner or my mum to get motivated in the morning. How do you cope with your down days?
I have two children so it's very hard to feel this low and to find no enjoyment from things. Especially my children and partner. Xx