Hi all , me and my partner tried to work things out.
He said he couldn't be the man i needed him to be an love me the way i need , in the net breath he promised to try.
I don't weather I am coming or going , yesterday i asked if it really was worth it all and he couldn't tell me .. all i got was I don't know , i don't know if i can be the man you need.
I ended up getting angry an just saying forget it , hes lost the best thing he ever had and only wanting me when it suits him has destroyed me.
I haven't heard anything since , i think being ignored speaks volumes , if he was willing to save this relationship i would of thought he'd of moved mountains to sort this.
Will his depression i dont no if the medication is blocking the bag things but also the good things cominng through also ?
Or is it just time to call it a day for both our mental health sake.