Hi there
Hoping for some help and advice as how to help my depressed mother. She is not managing at all because I have had to make changes in my life which means that she is not the priority at all times. I am 40! This has hit her hard and she has always suffered from depression which seems to stem from not being in control. When in control of situations, people, events etc, she feels more able to cope but if people start to act on their own thoughts or needs then WHAM she is back down again. She feels that if I once again become the person that puts her first and her needs first then this shows I am kind and caring and thoughtful towards her and this will help her to feel better. She does a lot herself - good diet, exercise, seeing friends but it does not seem to come close to meeting the need to have me next to her, physically or mentally,l. I have a young daughter who she loves to spend time with but I fear who is being really affected by mums low moods. She has had some counselling - this has had some benefit but the counsellor is no longer in the area and mum finds change very difficult. We live very close to each other. The more I try and put in boundaries, the more she feels rejected and the more tightly she clings. Things are very difficult.
Anyone experienced something similar who might be able to help me and to help her?