Invisible : I feel like just because I... - Mental Health Sup...

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I feel like just because I'm not screaming or crying hysterically, no one notices I'm so sad.

I feel like I'm silently suffering.

I wish I had friends.

12 Replies
Kayshasmith1 profile image

I know how your feel Hun, we will feel like we are suffering alone in silence, unless you are a complete wreck no one understands how bad you really are.

Sure plenty of people on here would love a new friend too :) xx

Yes lord good friends at that I know exactly how you feel , after seeming that series on Netflix 13 reason I could relate think some many things I have gone through no one knows and the said part when I go to try to speak on them I labeled as a victim or I'm mean because I'm at the point in my life it's I need the bull shit don't want it so leave me alone 😒

Kayshasmith1 profile image
Kayshasmith1 in reply to Bulliedinlife1981

13 reasons why is my next series to watch :) just finishing riverdale at the minute hehe.

I'm in the same situation where no one understand, when you try tell them they just say stupid shit that just makes you not want to tell anyone else 😂

NogsViking profile image

Do you know where the sadness comes from? Sometimes we know where it comes from; other times it's harder to tell. Either way it's horrible. I feel it like a heavy weight around my heart, that prevents me from connecting to the world, from moving forward, and kills hope.

I'm pretty new to this forum but I think you may be able to find many friendly people here.

in reply to NogsViking

Sometimes I feel like I know where it's from and other times, I'm completely clueless.

NogsViking profile image

And in those moments when you feel you do know where it is from, what or where is that?

in reply to NogsViking

Usually from a negative feeling I had that got transformed into a monster. If that makes sense? Like the feeling keeps growing when I know it shouldn't be.

NogsViking profile image
NogsViking in reply to

Yes, it does make sense. I know those feelings that grow out of all proportion. If you are not able to identify where the feeling comes from, in other words, where is it rooted, ie in some particular event or pattern in your past, then I would strongly encourage you to try to work with a therapist to identify the underlying issue(s). I'm just in the middle of this process now so can't tell you it ends up but I sense it is very important.

One other technique that I am practicing at the moment that may be useful to you....if you feel pain, grief or sadness related to a particular event or feature of your life, then instead of playing the event over in your mind, instead focus on the pain. It sounds a bit counter-intuitive, but it helps to break the incessant story loop that your mind is working over and over again. When it happens - if it happens to you (it certainly does to me) - focus your mind not on what is causing the pain but instead on the pain itself - what it feels like, where it is in your body, how long it's been there, etc. Try as hard as you can NOT to let your mind go back to what caused the pain but just focus on the pain itself, and feel sorry for yourself that it is there. Give yourself some love and sympathy that you are in pain. Forget about the outside world and just feel your own pain and know that it is there and that you are feeling it and that it hurts, but that is OK and you will be able to handle it. Do not got back to what caused it. Just focus on you and what it's doing to you.

I hope it might work a little bit for you. Big hug to you.

I know where all mines comes from , it comes from being raped not once not twice and having some one tell you it's your fault (I was only in grade school) beaten , rejected unloved and abused those things has become it's own beast while on one hand I love myself not to kill myself even tho I have tired so many times and maybe it's not loveing my self maybe it's being to afraid because really after trying so many times and failing I think well maybe it's not what I wanted , because in most cases in real life those who want to end it real do end it ,

Some times I think people like me are not suppose to make it

in reply to Bulliedinlife1981

I think a lot of bad stuff can happen to a person but that's irrelevant to your value as a person. I don't even know you and I'm really glad you're still here. P.S. whoever abused you, I hope serious harm towards. No one deserves that.

Bulliedinlife1981 profile image
Bulliedinlife1981 in reply to

Yeah I use to feel that way but like madea say forgiveness is not for the other person it is for self , funny I don't even think about the men who rapped me I think more about the people who said they loved and didn't protect me those are the people have such a hard time forgiving

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