It has hit me pretty bad these past couple days and it has been so hard coping. I feel so bad for my boyfriend because he doesn't understand. I'm just sad and hate myself lately and it sucks.
Depression is back again: It has hit me... - Mental Health Sup...
Depression is back again

Hello I noticed that this is only your second post here, the first one being 6 months ago. You got 5 replies on it. As you never came back in did you see them? And did you follow any of the advice given.
I am not going to write more than this right now as it's very disheartening to spend time and energy on replying to new people only never to have them reply or come back. Don't forget we are not professionals, just fellow sufferers who try and help others. If you do come back in I am willing to try and help.
Not having a go but just pointing this out. I wish you all the best.
Hi Teaprincess
It is extremely hard on anyone going through depression, as I have for many years now. The slightest thing is such an effort at times. I have some reasonably 'ok' days but then I have a lot of mega bad days. It's also very difficult for a partner to understand what you are going through unless they have been through it themselves. To them it's a case of trying to pick yourself up and get over it, but we all know that it isn't that simple, if it was, none of us would be suffering from it!
I don't know what Hidden or any others that messaged you before have said, but all I can suggest is re-read what they suggested, but also try and take tiny baby steps, one day at a time. Do you have any hobbies? I know even trying to think of doing something is hard, but even something like an adult colouring book can relieve a bit of stress and can also be calming and enjoyable once you get started!
Like lilaclil says try and talk to people on here who are suffering like yourself. Talking can actually help, especially with those who have an understanding on how you are feeling, but you must remember like lilaclil mentioned, no one is a professional. Maybe try and book an appointment with your doctor if you haven't already?
Remember, everyone is here for you, so baby steps!
Take care xx
Great reply faceless65 and said in a nicer way than me! xxx
Aww lol... I was trying to reiterate what you were saying, and adding a few bits of my way of trying to deal with it! Sometimes it's difficult to know what to say and how to say it I think! Thanks tho!😉
I understand where you are coming from lilaclil but I just needed to let it out. Usually I can get myself out of a rut, but it's been hard lately. I have sought out professional help plenty of times and am on medication. I also have a full time job and am a full time student plus have a dog and that's why im not on here 24/7. I just wanted to let it out, I'm not looking to get ragged on bc only occasionally I come on here.
Ok fair enough. You just want to vent, but don't want advice or support..
How old are you ?
Why feel bad regards your Boyfriend, you would seem to have a health problem and you need some form of consideration as hopefully you will feel better given time. Do you know why you are feeling the way you do, ? to know the reasons why ? may help you move on.
If not already have you discussed your condition with your GP, that should be your first port of call. Your Practice can help you with various treatment plans that will help you come to terms with your condition.
One way of treating yourself is when you do something good accept that and congratulate yourself. Try not to do yourself down, be good to yourself and understand many people around you will also suffer self doubt or sometimes a loathing.
Be positive and if needed divert your thoughts to other things that you enjoy to do.