It’s absolutely how your cards were dealt, as well as how you play your hand. Saying the truth makes the institution, as well as yourself, grow personally and professionally. Exactly the way software updates and operating systems flip from good to bad (we always hope for the good but don’t always get it!), so does the institution. Institutions, like apps, are designed. You are not completely the reason your life sucks so much. That is the whole enchilada!
How you play your hand:
▪ Learn, gain skills and combine them in creative ways!
▪ Be fully present and committed to one task——it’s indispensable!
▪ Flaunt failure. Embrace it. Love it. At least you tried something!
▪ Say yes only to things that support your goals.
▪ Sacrifice a bit of instant gratification.
▪ Stay away from toxic people
▪ Limit your social media and television
▪ Watch documentaries
▪ Be realistic. You are not Superman or Supergirl. It is a fact that there is limited time and limited opportunities (opportunity = a set of circumstances that make it possible to do something.) Career opportunities are simply a game of numbers. There’s no magic behind it. In all organizations, there is a small number of senior positions (executives, directors, managers), and a VERY LARGE NUMBER of not-so-great, more meaningless positions. This simple reality is the reason for major depression in the United States. People are told repeatedly “you can have this senior position with money and status, if you just try hard enough!” It’s those people in senior positions that keep promoting this highly destructive propaganda that destroys a person’s mental and moral qualities. Because by doing so, they preserve the existing state of affairs—a class system where everyone is not “equal.” Next time you run into an article that proclaims, “you are the cause of your low income and status”, remind yourself it’s deceptive propaganda, and doesn't take in the whole enchilada.