x: extremely low tonight, feels like... - Mental Health Sup...

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extremely low tonight, feels like the "thing" inside me is right up in my face and scaring me to the point I'm backing off, I absolutely hate ths existence, this" thing" inside me only lives to be dark, unseen, low, avoiding the light, and its winning, every step forward I'm taking I feel like this thing is pulling me bak 2 steps, noo matter what happens its going to win

4 Replies
ilovemusic profile image

Sorry you are feeling so low. I can relate to trying to fight the "thing" inside you. At times I have felt it has beaten all the fight out of me. Are you on anti-depressants or is there a pyschiatrist you could see? Anti-depressants have pulled me out of some deep, dark holes in the past and at the moment they're keeping me functional.

Depression is tough. Take it easy on yourself and hope you find some relief soon!

Westie-love profile image

I can relate to what you are saying, I am really low at the moment, I am trying to deal with things, with DWP, and they certainly don't make it easy. I hope you have someone to talk to, it's hard but talking does help, as does this site, as we are all on here for the same reason.

ToriElegance profile image

Hello there,

I am so sorry you're experiencing this dark depressive element within you.

Firstly you must search deep within yourself and meditate and try to identify what this "Thing" is? Once you have identified what this "Thing" is you can then start to work on steps (through self-help research on how to curb this deep depressive element...."Thing" within you...

Secondly, My Mother always use to reiterate to me how "Life is a Fight!'. Your best option is to fight this Demon element "Thing" Once you have identified it.

Thirdly, the foundation of this whole process is Identification of what the problem is (this "Thing"). Thus, a solution is found once "Thing" (Element is identified). once you have identified this thing at least you would know the processes in order to curb or at most vanquish this horrible element holding you back of you lively hood.

Finally, Keep fighting and always remember that Good overalls Evil..in the end. We all fall time and time again but it is the Urge we most hold onto to move forward. Prayer helps to have belief in the higher being. We are responsible for our life but not entirely....God shares and helps carry our burdens and crosses if only we would let the supreme element too...

Hope my advice was helpful...

Many Thanks

Tori Elegance


Hi Phil176uk, It takes courage to post here and tell others how you feel ~ the fact that you have done that shows that you are strong and the "thing" will have to deal with the your determination and the strength of all the others here who are beside you reading your words and sending good will and positive thoughts to defeat it and bring you joy back into your life ~ You will overcome it ~ we all want you the be moving forwards

Our best wishes and thoughts are with you fighting all the way to bring back joy and happiness to you & yours

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