Been in work a month now still struggle with anxiety, feel different everyday and sometimes have to force myself to go to work when I just want to cry, not sure it's normal but every week it happens and it's like that Sunday night feeling when you dread going to work, I think its just me.
Still working but feel weird everyday - Mental Health Sup...
Still working but feel weird everyday

Can I ask what your job is ? Do you find that having structure helps you ?
Hi Satsuma it's working in scientific and medical affairs for big wound care company as a temp admin, there is no training and my boss and other colleagues work from home so I'm alone a lot, my boss was with me 3 hours on my first day and then she went home after lunch, you have to fathom the work out yourself and I find it hard at times, I feel lonely there when I'm on my own and the structure is a bit here and there, maybe it's just me. I don't know if this the career for me but I am doing it and going everyday, I feel light headed all the time but I worry I am doing the job right and I get stressed easily. I need to find out what I want from a career and stick to it instead of chopping and changing my mind. Work is a big factor in life but I seem to struggle with multiple personalities at times and I lack confidence to speak up when I don't understand something I just go quiet and struggle on. I do need regular supervision by management but I don't get this in this role and I don't know how I am doing. I like regular meetings to tell me how I am doing. I think I have mentioned on here before that my partner and I have not been getting on and I have been seeking help because of his temper, I don't think this helps the work situation as I don't have the inner confidence to do anything about him. I have sought legal advice but haven't made any decisions to leave my marriage.
Your not the only one, I feel exactly the same, I've been in the same job for 2 years now and just feel like crying and don't want to get out of bed
Hi, it's not just you, I remember my mum couldn't sleep on the Sunday night and it wasn't incase she slept in (she started work at 5am) she was the same for 26 years, my sister and my son are the same and they have been in their workplace for years also. I suffered it when I had to do evenings as well just made me feel so sick. I hope this helps you.
You're not alone! I can totally relate to this... it's that almost unbearable sense of dread that grips me every morning before work...
Probably not, but they are not the ones going through it. You can always come here when you feel like a chat and no one ever judges. It's just a great feeling knowing someone out there understands. Take care xx