In search of advice.: I'm new here, I... - Mental Health Sup...

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In search of advice.

1234_1234 profile image
18 Replies

I'm new here, I joined this group because of how I feel and find out how other people cope with similar situations. 

I've had depression for around five years and its been really tough for me. I've had to cope with being a teenager, trying to cope with school, the things happening around me and how I felt all at the same time and I had no one there to talk to because no one understood. 

I've tried going to the doctors and CAMHS which I found were no help. I just felt as if they was judging me, instead of listening and helping. 

People say it gets easier but after five years I have realized its got worse and that I cannot cope. Nowadays, I have good days and bad days. Like, sometimes I want to get out of bed and eat a slice of toast and attempt to try and do a semi-normal day but on my bad days I wake up, lay there and cry without touching a bit of food all day. The doctors have always said they cannot give me antidepressants due to my age which I understand but I feel as if they would really help me. Recently, my good days have become less regular and seem like a distant memory. I have missed years worth of education because of my mental illness and refusing to do a normal day because I can not face the real world. 

Only a few people know of my mental illness because i am afraid people will treat me differently but sometimes I really need that support or someone to fall back on when I need them.

I just wondered if anyone had any good ideas that would be handy to use if I was having a bad day to try and get me determined to try and complete a day at school or get out and do something. 

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1234_1234 profile image
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18 Replies
Iluvhorses profile image

I can relate to you in some ways and so can my mother. I believe in God and rely on Him. It's fine if you don't share my faith, but I think it's important that you have some sort of spiritual foundation.

darkshadow profile image
darkshadow in reply to Iluvhorses

That is only an opinion, mbvu. People can recover from depression without spiritual/religious beliefs. It is important to make this clear. I's better not to a belief system which many do not have.

Angelmarrow141 profile image

please try and get some help by visiting your GP, explain that you did not get the right help with CAMHS and you need help as you are no better, there must be an alternative, explain everything they will be able to help, write your thoughts down so when you go back to the doctors, you will have it all written down, there may be areas which show a pattern of when you feel worse in the day or slightly better, keep in touch and I hope you get on ok, is there any stress which may be causing it, if so keep a record or tell the doctor, get an appointment as soon as you can, does your school or college have someone you can talk to, I would speak to someone as soon as you so that they can get the ball in motion to helping you 

1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to Angelmarrow141

Thank you, I haven't tried going back as I felt as if I wasn't being taken seriously and that my problems didn't matter. I shall give this a try as i'm not getting any better 

jinirules profile image

Is there a particular incident that led you to be depressed or is it the stress? Things like walking and meditation helps but I know the hardest part is to get up from bed. I have to get up because I have a young family no choice. There were times when I would do the school run, come back and climb back into bed. Small steps like getting up to go to the loo and transfer to the sofa then up from the sofa to the outside. Or something i do when I am in bed I watch shows like mock the week, QI or have I got news for you or any standup something that makes me laugh. Music also helps. You also need to someone you trust. I hate being alone with my thoughts that is what I am trying to do.

 Keep achievable goals very simple ones like getting up and cooking some eggs or going for a walk for 5 mins   Then try something new 😉 something you always wanted to do. It will take months and probably years but you have got to start small and slowly don't be afraid to ask for help here or your family 

You won't believe I put sticky notes on my walls to remind me to do things coz some days I just cannot. 

1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to jinirules

Quite a fair few things happened and set me off feeling like this. I used to think it was stress at first but then it just got worse and worse. That is some really good advice and will be a good way to get me to do little tasks that will start to get me back on track. Thank you.

Due to your age in early teens, sometimes there is a reluctance giving AD medications. the same is the same for the young when it comes to pain, they will try and defer that decision. The problem is if you take some types of medication they can make your mood and decision making you dumb  down and it could cause problems with your Education.

Do you have any reasons why you feel the way you do, to know the problem, you are halfway there on occasion to know how to treat this disability as you will be able to educate yourself with the help of your GP to attack your problem.

When at school, in teens you are taking examinations and in turn making big decisions on your future, when under this type of stress we can become depressed and suffer panic attacks if this is the case you may be approaching the final months of a very trying period and at this time you need to be ahead of your game, hence the decision your GP has made.

Talk to your GP again and He may be able to arrange further CBT without medications.

You are going through multiple changes as you grow up through your teens and that sometimes can be a problem. We have all gone through it and I remember when I was in my mid teens I was taking strong medications for stress. I was a zombie and the drugs did not help my education. Try and stick to the decision of your GP He has your interests at heart and is in partnership with you when it comes to health matters

Personally I wish I had not pressed for certain medications when I was young, my future could have been very different.

You know where we are.

Good Luck


1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to

Thank you, I see your point about the doctors not wanting to give me AD because of my age.

But the cause of it was some horrible loses of very close family members and a few other events had happened at a similar time that turned my world upside down. 

Thank you for your support

in reply to 1234_1234

If you have lost several family members we all need to talk with someone family members or Grief management. That can be arranged through your GP if really required


paxo05 profile image

It only gets easier once you accept it is part of you.

Expect to have bad days and try and have an escape route. Find out what makes you feel good on the good days and use this to help with the low days.

Write down the good days and how you feel.

It is sometimes helpfull to read on the low days to remind you things DO get better.

Yoy can live with just have to accept and plan where possible.

It isnt easy I know ....but it can be done.

All the  best 


1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to paxo05

Thank you Pax, do you suggest getting a diary to write things down in?

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to 1234_1234

A diary is a great idea. Just short notes of how you feel and what sort of day it has been.


jennifer1983 profile image

I feel for your pain  and understand your pain.  I was only nine years old when I became depressed and my life was awful until I was on an antidepressants .

 But even so - While you are not on an antidepressant -  Don't loss hope.  There is a lot you can still do.  Don't let negativity slip into your mind and pull you into a pit, cause you will feel so much worse.   If you stay positive and tell yourself you will feel better and look to all the good in your life. It makes a huge difference in the way you will feel.  This I know for sure and I want to share it with you.  I know it;s difficult to always think positive  when you feel so horrible and depressed, believe me I understand cause I have walked in your shoes for many many years and my depression was extremely severe but you have to hold on to positive thinking.  Don't allow a negative thought to enter your mind, and if it tries to cheep in cause when you are depressed negative thoughts are running ramped in your mind and you are not even aware of it. Be aware of them and toss them out quickly..  Negative thoughts are strong but so are positive thoughts. Positive thoughts can make you feel better. I know this to be true,

  Some people have a negative opinion about antidepressants, but I can only tell you my story with antidepressants.  I had no quality of life prior to antidepressants.  I never felt well, and never felt happy and was always exhausted  . After I started an antidepressant it felt as if I woke up in heaven and I had a life for the very first time, but with all that said I feel if you can work on not having to go down that road with antidepressants it would be better for a combination of reasons I have. I know it sounds like I am talking out of both sides on my mouth. 

 Antidepressants can be a life saver, and antidepressants can be a curse.   Antidepressant is not a medication that you take lightly. 

When I was a teenager no one ever knew I was depressed cause I wore a mask cause I knew people young or old who has never suffered with depression could never understand , I knew that at a very young age.  My family was poor so I never went to a psychiatrist so the only thing I could do was to stay strong and positive that one day I will get better. 

 I am 55 years old and back than I had no internet to find support groups and tons of information about depression, I was all alone.  I tell you this cause you can stay positive  and you must stay positive .  Go to bed every night with hope in you mind .Watch a comedy, laughter is so good.  Tell yourself you have your entire life a head of you with so much good that going to come to you. Don't think any other way.  This is what I did as a teenager.  I knew I was going to struggle but I thought that my life could be worse. 

 You have people here to support you, and knowing that you are not alone does help.  Staying off antidepressants as long as you can I think will be a benefit to you if you are not severely depressed.  That is my feelings for a combination of reasons even though for me being prescribed an antidepressant turned my life around for the better and I could really enjoy my life for the very first time.  

My son became depressed at the age of 12 years old.  I felt putting him on an antidepressant was the best decision I made at the time. An antidepressant also changed has life for the better and he became happy young boy for the first time in his life.   I knew my son was depressed at even a younger age in  his face I saw depression in fact I knew for sure when at the age of 4 when he told me that he felt like crying for no reason at all.  That broke my heart so bad. I knew he would be suffering the same fate as myself.  Prior to him being on an antidepressant, he had no confidence in himself, he looked unhappy and walked unhappy and neighbors would ask if he was OK.  He never seemed like he enjoyed anything in his life. He had no friends, and always wanted to be alone.  He had anxiety and scared about everything and he was always worrying about little things that he was to young to even think about. He was so skinny cause he barely ate anything.  He ever wanted to leave the house. He was severely depressed.  Even though he was only 12 years old I insisted that the psychiatrist prescribe him an antidepressant even though they thought he was a little young and thought he would benefit with talk therapy.  They finally agreed and he was prescribed an mild antidepressant and 5 weeks after my son was on it he walked in the door from school and said to me  '  Mommy today I was happy for the first time in my life "    He was a different child.  He was happy, he became social , and had lots of friends, he went to concerts and enjoyed music which he never did before. He went out and got involved in so much, he laughed and joked and developed a wicked sense of humor that people loved being around him. He achieved every goal he had.  He became a different person the person he was meant to be once that fog of depression was gone . This never would have been without an antidepressant.  Again with that said and it was good for him I do feel it shouldn't be prescribed for everyone. 

He is now 31 years old extremely successful and makes a great living has traveled all over the world lives in a great place in NYC - Has a girl friend and living a good life. 

This will be you too.  You live in a time where there is medication that can keep your depression in check. Be happy for that.  Look forward to a great life.  Try to think positive everyday even when you don't feel well.  You have a bright future and believe that cause you do.  

But I do also believe if you can hold off on taking an antidepressant that would be the best giving all I know now.  I say this for many reasons.  You and your parents have to weigh out all the pro and cons .   I don't know how severe your depression is.  There are so many levels of depression and many faces of depression and many different options to cope with it.  You have to find the best way for you with the help of your parents and psychiatrist .  I only recommend a psychiatrist not a GP .  Anyone who suffers with depression needs to be seen by a doctor that specializes in mood disorders .   

I wish you all the best and always remember you are not a lone in this and there are people who understand and know you suffering first hand.  Please stay positive I can't express how much that helps.   You live in a day where there are many good treatments for depression, so do not loss a second of hope. 


1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to jennifer1983

Thank you Jennifer, reading what you put has really touched my heart and made me feel more positive about getting through this. I am so glad you and your son have got through this and i'm glad he is living a great life. All the advice you have given me has really sunk in, you are so right. Its been good to hear from someone who has had experience and can advise you to try and get proper help to make you feel normal again. I really appreciate your advice X

jennifer1983 profile image
jennifer1983 in reply to 1234_1234

You are very welcome -   If you ever need pep talk, or need a kind and understand word, with and well-meaning advise and  understand , a kind word or even a few words of wisdom. 

Know that I am here to help support and guide you .or if you have any questions or opinions mood disorders.  I have had many years of experience in depression,  You can reach out to me 


Photogeek profile image

Can I ask what age you are?


1234_1234 profile image
1234_1234 in reply to Photogeek

I am 16 years old 

SAMBS profile image

Hi 1234 1234

I've just today read your post and all replies, it's a month since you posted and I hope you are feeling better and even a little happier now. I liked Jennifer's reply particularly, full of logic and sensible! . My perspective is a little different however.

Firstly, Have you had a blood test at all. You have just come through your teenage years and puberty. That can play havoc with your hormones, which then affects some of your organs and blood stream. Organs stay put, hormones help keep them working properly. And what does or doesn't work properly can affect your circulation via the blood stream and your brain.

Jennifer said AD's helped her son, as they did me. Seratonin is a hormone the brain needs, if it's not there it affects the way we feel. you,probably Jennifer, her son, and myself a few decades ago and countless others possibly.

Something may have gone awry for you during puberty that has affected you, leaving you with a nutrient deficiency, in terms of vitamins, minerals etc., and all the things you see when people talk about the food we eat in order to be and feel healthy and happy :-)

I can't quite make out if you are male or female from the post but I do suggest a visit to your doctor, who can take your blood pressure, check for any physical signs and also order a blood test. If you have had your tonsils or adenoids removed, perhaps you are hyper or hypo thryroid. You can check Thyroidism out first for symptoms on Wikipedia first, or Thyroid

People with a variety of "medically proven" health conditions can then be treated properly and then set on a path to help and recovery. Don't panic when you see a list, whole variety of 'symptoms'. Just remember first and foremost, we are all individuals so we are all different. I was diagnosed hypothyroid after a blood test but had only 3 of the symptoms when I first went to the doctor at age of 53. Although my health history from research has revealed I may had have had it for a long time or not.

donkeys later in 2015, a blood test showed it's one of my 2 now known autoimmune conditions. The 1st one being TB. So for me, several of my later onset health problems Can be traced back to my childhood health and some some genetic inheritance. A bit like Jennifer and her son, she knew because she'd 'been there' herself.

You are still young (I'm jealous :-) ....but there really could be a simple medical answer, a check up and blood test would be a good place to start. Also yes keep a diary, start building up just by simple note keeping during your life, then you'll have your own health history in years to come, should it be needed. Don't get paranoid about it, it's how you feel on a day by basis that counts. You have a long hopefully happy and healthy life ahead of you.

I've only recently started my own My health history record because I couldn't understand why suddenly in last 3/4 years. blood and other tests were throwing up bizarre results? I don't feel ill, although I now have a few medically proven issues.

I wish you well and hope you find a simple answer. Please let us know how you get on.

My last word of advice is, don't now or in future, keep taking off the shelf pills because you think you'll feel better. You need to always keep a healthy liver. When or if you drink, balance alcohol against other fluids. Eat something before you drink and always have a glass of water last thing when you go to bed to help you sleep well and flush through your system while asleep and Alcohol can also be a depressant on the body's systems, including your brain. Sambs x

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