I am curious if anyone can tell me what benefits I might be entitled to, I was diagnosed in December 2014 with type 2 diabetes and was told the arteries to my heart have narrowed and are still narrowing at a rapid pace to the point I may not live past 40 (I am currently 36), I have suffered with depression since 2003 and tried multiple medications and 6 different styles of counselling, been under a psychiatrist and a psychologist, but still struggle to over come my depression and of course being told I may not have long to life knocked me back even more. Any advice would be welcome thank you in advance
Depression, Diabetes and narrowed art... - Mental Health Sup...
Depression, Diabetes and narrowed arteries to the heart.

All I can suggest is that you contact the CAB Office, they may be able to help.
I am an OAP and I understand the system has just changed.
Possibly wait around someone may be able to help the new system is more complex and so are the medical tests you may need to take. You can of course contact the DWP and they will assist in advising types of claim available to you.
There may be an end of life benefit, to assist in paying for adaptations to property, you will need to take that in advisement. The former above will keep you right.
Sorry, talk to your GP there may be ways to clear the arteries that may not be to invasive
I am so sorry to hear your news. Bob is right the benefits have changed and getting access to any benefit is harder.
I would suggest contacting mind the Mental health charity to help you make a claim. Is there anything you can do health wise to improve your life. My Dad was told 30 years ago that if he did not quit smoking he would be dead in months.Quitting worked for him. Type 2 diabetes cab certainly be helped with adjustments to diet.
It is really sad to think about what is happening to you.
Hi I am so sorry about your news and it must be very difficult for you. I couldn't imagine being in that situation.
Depression following a chronic health problem is very common and I would be very surprised if you weren't depressed following news like that. Anyone would be. It sounds like you were depressed before your illness too and any health problems make it far worse don't they?
I don't have any advice I'm afraid but do wish you all the best. Stay with us here and we will help and support you as much as possible.
Regarding benefits have a look at the Govt. site at direct.gov.uk This will give you all the benefit information. Ok? x
Hello Sammy
With being given your Prognosis you could try approaching any Hospices in your area, they on occasions can help you around termination of life. Your GP Practice or Social Services may be able to help with your Approach.
With regards the lead up to your demise, Social Services through your GP and District Nurse may also be able to help you as well
Hi.. What first struck me, was.. I wonder if your depression was caused by real physical health issues that were undetected or little understood, or if the depression caused the health issues?
My mum was diagnosed with similar heart problems & given ten years to live.
That was 43 years ago.
Don't accept their diagnosis.. Take your health into your own hands; do some research.. Don't lie down & wait for it!
Re benefits; go to your nearest citizens advice office & talk to them, they are helping me so much..
I'm so sorry you are suffering; but don't give up !
Doctors don't know everything!
I recently watched this lecture on YouTube; it's changed my mindset & freed me from depression!
Good luck !
I am over weight and under bariatric dietitian as well as eating a well balanced diet, i take multiple medications which are glucophage, mirtazipine, atovastatin, lanzoprazole, orlistat and naproxen, i have high blood pressure and cholesterol and drs keep a regular check on my heart by ecgs and blood tests and im told each time i have a taticardic heart and my arteries narrow each time